Swap vehicle type on the fly using trigger volume, while still maintaining forward velocity, etc...

Hey all,

I’m looking to add some functionality to a game idea I’m developing in UEFN. I’d like to have the ability to swap your character’s vehicle on the fly to another vehicle type (ie. car to dirt bike, or dirt bike to boat, etc). Ideally, the swap would happen when the vehicle passes through a trigger volume (likely in mid-air as the vehicle goes off a jump or something), and the “new” vehicle would continue with the same velocity and trajectory. If this is even possible, would it be something that could be scripted with Verse, or would there be a simpler way? I’m an artist myself, primarily, with extensive UE experience, and although I do have a solid technical understanding of many things in UE, scripting is my weakest area, for sure. Any help would be appreciated…thanks! :slight_smile: