Swap static mesh to Destructible Mesh

Hi, I have a static mesh that when It is about to be destroyed switch to a Destructible mesh. I have using Apex Destruction to create the mesh. How can I swap them in code?

Thank you

The simplest way would be to have a UStaticMeshComponent in whatever actor is displaying them first. Im not too keen on what a destructible mesh is but Im sure theres a class name along the lines of UDestructibleMeshComponent or something on the internet you can find a reference to.

On construction or initialize hide the destructible mesh and dont forget to set collision to false. I dont know the functions for these things but Im sure you can find it somewhere in the documentation. For actors its a simple SetActorTickEnabled(false) SetActorHiddenInGame(true).

Then its a simple matter of having a function that hides the static mesh and then reversing the options for the destructible mesh and setting the location and rotation to the static meshes location

Cheers :slight_smile:

Thank you it works perfectly