SVN Won't connect to Unreal Team can access it but not me.

So here is my issue. I have Visual SVN on a Server pc locally setup for svn server. on my other local PC I can get my project with tortoise and access the server through tortoise with file explorer but when I go into Unreal engine to try to connect to source control I get this error.

I am using the custom URL I made on the server PC but on my other local PC I have tried replaceing the custom url with my ipv4 url of my other local pc that is running the server, I also tried using the modem IP for the url and still nothing. But when I do use the custom URL it does say Successful then later it times out any help would be greatly appreciated.

I had E170013 repeatedly using tortoiseSVN, along with other errors. Replacing the UE5.1 svn.exe with the latest tortoiseSVN’s svn.exe solved all problems so far.

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