After switching to 4.15 the SVN editor integration plugin is not working anymore.
It crashes when you try to connect it to a Server.
I saw already people in the forum with the same problem.
In 4.14 and before this was working without issues for us.
Unreal throws this error:
SourceControl:Error: Error This application has halted due to an unexpected error.
SourceControl:Error: Error A crash report and minidump file were saved to disk, you can find them here:
SourceControl:Error: Error C:\Users\WAII\AppData\Local\Temp\svn-crash-log20170218144008.log
SourceControl:Error: Error C:\Users\WAII\AppData\Local\Temp\svn-crash-log20170218144008.dmp
SourceControl:Error: Error Please send the log file to to help us analyze
SourceControl:Error: Error and solve this problem.
SourceControl:Error: Error NOTE: The crash report and minidump files can contain some sensitive information
SourceControl:Error: Error (filenames, partial file content, usernames and passwords etc.)
SourceControl:Error: Error Failed to connect to source control. Check your settings and connection then try again.
This should be easy to reproduce. Just try to connect the editor to a SVN server. Any quick fix solution would help.
I’m looking into this issue now. Does this only happen with an SVN server that you’re connecting to online or does it also occur with local servers? I’ll let you know if I have any more questions about the problem.
I’ve tried testing this using a server created with VisualSVN and I’m not running into any issues. This was originally a project/repository created in 4.14 as well. All I did was create a working copy, change the project to 4.15, launch, connect to source control, and it successfully connected.
Hi Matthew,
we are running a local Linux server with Linux SVN via the SVN protocol.
I will try to create a repo on the server and a new project. But I read on the 4.15 post in the forum that also others have the same issues.
I created 2 new Unreal projects, one with 4.14 and one with 4.15. The one created in 4.14 works, the one created in 4.15 does not. I will try to install Visual SVN server to test if its maybe a server problem.
I tested with Visual SVN. Its working in 4.15. Maybe its the protocol. Visual SVN runs on apache via http, while our Linux SVN runs via SVN protocol.
Maybe the SVN protocol crashes unreal in 4.15. I will try to find a windows SVN server which supports SVN Protocol and test it.
Thank you for being thorough. I’m a bit limited in my options when it comes to setting up SVN tests due to our available network, so I’ll wait until you have tried your test.
Ok, I was able to setup Visual SVN to use the SVN protocol. Then I relocated to the SVN protocol repo. and unreal was not working. Then I switched back to the http protocol and the unreal connection was working again.
So its the SVN protocol. In 4.14 the SVN protocol was working. In 4.15 http is still working but SVN not. I will try now to reconfigure our linux server to use SVN via Apache and http.
I appreciate you testing the different protocols, WAII. We’re currently looking into this, it could be due to an update to SVN that went in with SASL support for 4.15. I’ll let you know when I have more information.
Quick workaround is to replace svn binaries bundled with 4.15 to svn binaries bundled with 4.14. Remove content of C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\UE_4.15\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\svn folder and replace it with content of C:\Program Files (x86)\Epic Games\4.14\Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\svn folder.
We are also seeing it. If you go to the …Engine\Binaries\ThirdParty\svn\Win64 directory and simply “svn --version” the crash manifests. So it doesn’t have anything to do with the actual repo involved.
I’m not sure if that’s related, but my friend and I did just that and both connected successfully. However syncing folders didn’t do anything. committing to svn worked but receiving updates was only possible through regular SVN Update in the explorer. the new assets then showed up with an exclamation mark, which disappeared after another sync of the file in the engine.
We’ve placed a bug report in for this and are currently looking at fixing it. As it is currently marked for 4.16, I would suggest continuing to use the workaround for now. You can find the bug report here: UE-42207
Since a workaround is known (use the previous binaries) I’m very surprised you didnt’ ship it with 4.15.1, should the proper solution wait for 4.16. at least officially pack the binaries somewhere ? downloading the 4.14 core (3.15GB) to retrieve just 10MB of binaries is far from ideal (and a user-made shouldn’t be trusted)
The best solution would likely be to wait for 4.16. Hotfix releases are made to fix issues that are blocking development. As this issue has a workaround, it would be better to leave it to the next release so that it has more time to be tested rather than releasing it with the hotfix and risking creating more issues.