Survey on video games and language learning

Hello everyone,

With a friend, we are currently creating a video game dedicated to language learning. It will possess all of the core elements of a standard RPG-adventure video game (story, gameplay, quests, etc) while being optimised for language learning by providing grammar contents, a personalised dictionary, cultural contents and more. Most of the language acquisition will be done through the dialogues, completing quests (quests related to the story and dedicated quests for language learning) as well as exploring the world. Our method emphasises the importance of spoken speech and the effective use of the language in authentic contexts.

With the intent of creating the best game possible, I made a survey directed at people interested in language learning in order to collect the opinions of as many people as possible. You do not need to be an avid gamer to participate in this survey. The questions are written in both English and French so feel free to write your answers in whichever language you feel more comfortable in.

Here is the link to the survey:

Thank you in advance to anyone who will participate in this survey and/or share it with a friend!