I’m looking to get the UE4 touch sticks working with a surface pro 4, but simply turning them to always show in project settings didn’t quite work as expected. They show up, but can’t be interacted with. Touching the screen just jumps with the default ball project. I read around and noticed some older posts mentioning that there was no support for windows touch implemented at the time. I’m curious if this is still the case. I strolled across this answer suggesting that I’d followed the right step by checking ‘always show’. TouchInterface on windows - Programming & Scripting - Unreal Engine Forums
I’m left a little confused. Any help on the topic would be appreciated 
Looking over , I see that we have quite a few tasks in for Windows Multi-Touch but they’re not implemented yet. If you’re trying to get that to work currently, this is likely why you’re running into these troubles with your Surface Pro 4.
The default Rolling Ball Template does make the ball jump when you hit the screen and not the joysticks. If you hit the joystick and jump then the physics should make the ball roll faster due to the jump. Is yours reacting this way?
Are the touch functions working when you’re testing with one of our templates in the engine, such as First Person Template?
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Hi there, I have been doing research on this and I keep seeing that touch support “is about ready but not implemented yet.” This was 4 years ago and I was wondering if touch support has been added yet? Especially with how many Surface devices are being sold now, it would be supper helpful to be able to make games for these devices. My game needs to register 2 touch events at once, but its can’t do that right now. Is there anyway to get this to work? Thank you for your help!