Within the market place a lot of the assets are highlighted as ‘Windows’ for supported platforms.
Does this mean they will not open/work with a Mac version of UE4?
Are assets platform specific?
All assets is platform independent. You must specify the platform type only for plugins that are distributed in binary form.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. To Clarify, all assets i.e. models, materials, scenes etc work on both Mac and PC but plugins have to be specifically Mac or PC?
Yes. Models, materials, scenes etc work on MacOS, Windows and Linux.
Perfect, thank you…while you are there…Can you smooth geometry once imported. I am importing FBX from lightwave and getting a ‘group smoothing error’.
Perfect, thank you…while you are there…Can you smooth geometry once imported. I am importing FBX from lightwave and getting a ‘group smoothing error’.
I’m afraid it is simply not true that all assets work on all platforms, at least if you include “code” or “blueprints” or “functionality” or anything like that in your definition of assets.
- The Volumetric Lighting plugin, for example, will not even open on the Mac (it crashes the editor).
- Many plugins will still work, especially if they only use blueprints, but even some of those will behave differently. The Outliner plugin I bought works on Win/Mac/Linux even though it only specifies Windows, and compiles quickly without a ton of RAM usage on Windows. But the same plugin takes an hour and 64GB of RAM to compile on Mac, and an hour and 32GB of RAM to cross-compile on Windows for Linux.
- Plugins that rely on platform-specific features will obviously only completely function on platforms that support the features. For example, movable spotlights will not work on mobile, so any plugin that incorporates those will (at least) be different on mobile.
So, in short, don’t expect that everything will work on all platforms unless the author has listed as much, but you’ll often get lucky.
Also worth noting, if you buy something for platform Y when only platform X is listed as compatible, it is completely up to the plugin publisher himself whether or not he will accept a refund, and he will have to grant permission for the refund as a manual exception for you to get it. I have gotten lucky with nice plugin publishers willing to issue refunds before, but if you suspect it might not work, I advise contacting the plugin publisher in advance to see if he will be willing to issue a refund exception if the plugin doesn’t happen to work on your platform.
Hi egerickx,
This is a question best asked on the forums in the “Content Creation” Section.