After doing some testing on an update I am preparing for my asset I noticed that Levels and Meshes re-saved in 4.15 can no longer be loaded in 4.14 - Levels show an error loading message while Meshes are simply absent.
So if my pack currently states supported versions 4.12 - 4.15 , I will have to leave only 4.15 after update will go live?
Customers who prefer to stick to 4.14 would be really aggravated seeing that they will no longer be able to use the pack after update.
So question is, do you guys test if your assets still work fine with previous versions of the engine as stated on your marketplace page? Do you update “Supported Engine Versions” removing old versions?
I will probably re-create my update in 4.14 and just check that all is good in 4.15 but I can see how this might be impossible for some other projects.
I think I found an answer to my question. Any file (blueprint, mesh, texture…) re-saved in 4.15 is not visible in 4.14. This makes sense.
So I guess I have to remove all versions in supported versions lists prior to the one I save even single file in.
Not sure if that’s the case for all assets, but at least for plugins you can submit different file for each engine version to marketplace.
And if you stop supporting some engine version, the users with older engine will get the last update that was compatible with it.
I should have first submitted my first update before asking my question
Indeed, with each update a new package is stored on the marketplace. When users do “Add to project” the last update that is compatible with their UE version is downloaded. Cool beans!
Just posting this here if anyone else would have the same question as I had.
Also you can specify manually which files should be used for each version in seller portal.
If your pack work in next version without any manual modification of the project you can just select it as compatible with next version and all meta-data will be updated to corresponding version