[SUPPORT] Touch Interface Designer

Touch Interface Designer - Unreal Marketplace

Setup Touch Interface for mobile can be a slow and annoying process because Touch Interface Asset is data only. Touch Interface Designer is a plugin that lets you create a mobile touch interface in your project with an visual editor. With the WYSIWYG user interface, Touch Interface Designer speeds up the process of adjusting virtual button, joystick and other control type for mobile. The Virtual Control Setup asset contains all the data to display the necessary widget and the Virtual Control Manager component allows to modify in game the widget (Touch Interface) which contains the mobile controls (Virtual Control).

Touch Interface Designer also adds many features that the basic Touch Interface lacks such as modifying the properties of a virtual control in real time, the necessary to detect gestures (Tap, Double Tab, Long Press, Drag, Swipe, Rotate, Zoom) or useful fonctionnality like Auto Move, Drag To Sprint, Touch Region, Enhanced Input compatibility, Material Dynamic Instance compatibility and many more features…

Touch Interface Designer is easy to integrate, configure and use. We try to develop software that simplifies your work and allows you to work faster while having access to a high level of functionality and customization.

Touch Interface Designer is updated regularly and improvements and new features are added with each update. See roadmap! If you wish, you can follow the development of Lost in Game Studio software on official website or Twitter.

Release Thread

Feel free to ask any question, request new feature or report any issue in this thread!


Working great except that I can’t get the button released event to work. (Pressed works fine). Any suggestions?

Hello Fighter_of_Foo,

Sorry for the delayed response and to hear that you have a problem with Touch Designer. Can you tell me which version of the plugin you are currently using?

I just got it, so v2.3.1? Also, I’m using the latest UE5.

Update: If I set the input key to a gamepad button everything works fine when using the gamepad. But if I click on a button with my mouse, or use my phone (unreal remote 2 app), I only get pressed and not released events.

Thanks for the additional details. I’ve isolated two button issues, one with unreal engine 5. I’ve added these bugs to the roadmap, I’ll fix them as soon as possible. Thanks for reporting these bugs!

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Update: All known bugs have been fixed! A new update will be submitted to the marketplace team. Count a few days before it is available.

Thank you! I tried using UE4.27 and had a similar issue. For buttons, “pressed” was only called when I pressed and slid the button, but then released always worked. Maybe I’m just setting things up wrong?

Yes, the bugs were present in version 4.26, 4.27 and 5.0 but the behavior between the versions is different… I had to review some of the workings but it’s a good thing in the end that you reported these bugs to me :wink:

Maybe I’m just setting things up wrong?

No, I reassure you, the problem does not come from you.

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The update is available! Let me know if you have any problem with this new version!

Help bro, I have other interfaces of life, energy etc, but when activating touch designer nothing appears on the screen, could you help me? any idea what i can do to fix it?

Hello Samuel77ysb,

Regarding your interface (life, energy…), Touch Designer does not interfere with UMG so if nothing is displayed, it is not from Touch Designer. Now, regarding the display of virtual controls, you have to add the Touch Designer Controller component to a Player Controller and then activate the Touch Designer interface you want. If nothing is displayed, check that you have not hidden the controls in the control parameters (Start Hidden) or during activation (node parameters). Also, make sure you have activated in the Touch Designer settings “Show in Desktop Platform” if you want your virtual controls to appear on PC. Let me know if you haven’t solved your problem.

Thank you, the option to show on desktop helped me, thank you very much!

You’re welcome! Don’t hesitate to leave a review if Touch Designer meets your expectations!

what this error to export with android i use ue 4.27

There are assets in the plugin’s default folder that are there to provide an example interface and curve for the input scale curve. I don’t know why there is this error message, I will add this to the roadmap. You can, if you don’t use it, delete them so that you no longer have an error.

Update : Both assets can be deleted, they are no longer used. To do this, you can right-click on an asset that exists in the “Defaults” folder and click on Show in Explorer. Then you can delete the two problematic assets (DefaultTouchDesignerInterface and DefaultInputSensibility).

This problem will be fixed with the next update.

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Thanks again! Everything worked perfectly and my game uploaded flawlessly to the playstore! I highly recommend your plugin I will give a good review!

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I’m glad to hear it! Good luck with your game!

Hi, I Just brought this plugin
I want to know how to setup the Joystick
Just a normal basic L joystick for moveing and R joy to pan camera
The default 2 joystic 1 button preset not work!
I can setup a button works well but the joystick have no doc!