[SUPPORT] Touch Interface Designer

can i increase zorder?


You can modify it by changing the C++ code (Touch Interface Subsystem class)

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How can I change the icon of the touch buttons according to the state in the game? Ex: button switch jump, fly… in one button


You can use the SetVirtualControlAppearance function with the Touch Interface Subsystem.


I’m not happy with the current workflow, which is a bit complicated for changing the appearance of a virtual control. I’ll improve this in a future update.

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Thank you very much

Any ideas why I might be getting this error in my output log? Oddly enough, TID still seems to work even though I get this error. Using UE 5.1.1.

Hi @VoxelOne

You have a gesture or shape manager that has been subscribed to the subsystem and then you have probably loaded a level even though the managers have not been unsubscribed.

A local player subsystem exists as long as the local player exists, and a change of level does not destroy the local player. Managers registered with the subsystem remain registered and this can cause problems (invalid object).

I do everything necessary to avoid errors, so TID works normally, but I tell the developer that a manager has not been unregistered. I’m going to change the log type to a warning, which will be more appropriate.

I’ll also see if I can get managers to unregister automatically when the level changes.

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Aha! I do change levels. There’s a startup level and an action level. Maybe I can add logic that only registers TID once the player is in the action level. Of course if I change levels later, my problem still exists. But at least I know how to fix it. :slight_smile:

As always, thanks for your quick support and excellent detail.

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Hi there,

I tried to add Touch Interface Designer to Lyra project, but it looks like there is few problems.

First problem is that if I want to use keyboard and mouse with Editor/Windows and also Touch Interface with mobile, then I need to click Project Settings->Engine - Input->Mouse Properties->Use Mouse for Touch = false. And then Touch Interface Designer ask to modify Project settings every time I open Editor and it will change it to true and mouse look doesn’t work anymore.

Other problem is that TouchInterfaceSubsystem keeps reference for Menu when I start experience from Menu and Menu can’t be cleaned by carbage collection. I did everything like in tutorial, but it looks like this is the problem. When starting experience map straight without menu, then there is no problem. Have you noticed this problem?

Hi @histiz Sorry for taking so long to reply!

Yes, I will change this behavior in the next update. Sorry about that!

The subsystem is completely independent and only keeps a reference to the widget that was created, but I’m going to do some tests to try and reproduce the problem you describe.

The tutorial is too old, I absolutely must make a new one.

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