Support thread for Realistic Blueprint Weapons.

I’m not familiar with the pack.

I’m guessing you want to spawn the effects on impact?

The forward vector of the bullet is easy.
Take the velocity of the projectile and normalize it(it’s a node you can use in Blueprint)
Location is the actor location.

I think you want to look in the SpawnImpactEffect function in the projectile Blueprint.

Let me know how it goes.

I got it working. Did exactly what you said and feel stupid about it… :). So much for remembering any vector math from Uni…

Glad to hear you got it working.

Hey ,

Quick question for you. Did you ever play around with particles attached to the projectile class? I.e. a bullet tracer?


No, I haven’t played with it yet. I’ve been tied up in real life for a couple of weeks.

But I now actually have some time on my hands for two whole nights!

I have some changes I want to implement, when those are I’ll have a serious look at the tracers.

I’m right now streaming while I work the next update package. Drop by for support or to give inputs. I hope to see you there.

Twitch Stream

Very cool. U rock.

I’m working on the next update package for RBW, I will hopefully submit it to Epic tomorrow evening, so expect it soon.

In this update there will be:

  • New improved ricochet system
  • Impact effect per material
  • Dropping and picking up weapons and attachments
  • Improved attachment system
  • Aiming down sights
  • Tracer effects
  • Events

I have been having issues with my Store downloads so apologies if this is a premature question, Is the update available now?

  • what if I would want to spawn a energy projectile (particle effects) instead of physical mesh bullet. How would you handle that within the framework. If at all?

I’m sorry, real life has been hard on me, so the update is not available yet. It will also be a somewhat trimmed down version, I will be submitting what I have ready now, and work on getting the rest of the promised features ASAP.

You could pretty easily make this change yourself, just add a particle emitter to the projectile Blueprint.

I’m not sure that would work in MP though.

I am working on something for particles anyway, ribbon tracers, so I can have a look at a particle type projectile

Yeah having some issues getting it to replicate. Still playing around with it.

Has Anyone created an Idle_Walk_Run with the blueprint yet? I’m trying but it seems impossible.

what do you mean? what has to do the blueprint system with the animations?

@: Dude I just want to say that this pack is awesome … I have had it for a while but only managed to get time to play with it yesterday.

I think the thing (besides the features) that makes me the most happy is the low profile project that you provide. It means I get a nice clean project with only the core systems that I need and not all this added fluff like with some of the other projects … thank you for that.

Awesome pack … and I am keen to take the further and add in some of the ideas I have come up with and some of the polish to make a full game based off your kit. Time to prove that BF4 snipers are not actually as hot as they think they are … 8-}

I’ve popped accross from the MMO starter kit thread because asked an interesting question about how well these bullets would work in an MMO and I was also curious having just bought this kit myself as to whether it could be used for guns in an MMO (I say guns because I’m sure it would be fine for slow reloading single shot weapons).

Looking at several forum threads it appears that for networking projectiles are considered very expensive due to their needing to be replicated between the server and the client and carrying out various event checks throughout their lifespan, while Instant/Hit Trace weapons need only be called on the server and their eventual hit broadcast back to the clients. Also that if the projectile is moving fast enough the bullet could be accross the map before replication even starts:

Is there anything in this kit to keep everything nicely synched for fast projectiles and also since with this kit every bullet is its’ own projectile albeit without a mesh, does that mean that 200 odd players each firing off a machine gun at say 100 rounds/minute would basically bring the whole system to a crawl?

In saying this I know in Mount&Blade which of course isn’t the unreal engine you can (with config edits) have 1000 ai in multiplayer all shooting projectile arrows at the human players without too much of a problem (setting it to 2000 crashed the game :slight_smile: ), but I wondered how it would be for unreal in an MMO environment with this relatic weapons kit.


Same question… :slight_smile:

Hah Funny, I came over here to ask the same question. There are certainly reasons why projectile weapons would be much prefered, true energy impact damage, recoil/penetration etc. But agree with the question, not sure how expensive it is for a 100-200 player server?


any news on the update?

  • This might seem like a strange question/recommendation at first but goes back to the questions above. Do you have the ability in your current framework to turn off the spawning of a projectile and create a simple trace weapon? If not that might make sense to add (even though its not realistic). Reasoning being that all the guys that are currently building open world shooters are going to need to use both realistic bullets and trace weapons from a perspective of server performance. I would rather use your framework and have the ability to switch between seamlessly than building a custom function outside yours and as I am tuning the game have massive issues switching weapons between trace and projectile.
