Support thread for Realistic Blueprint Weapons.

Hi @.

I’ve just downloaded your pack but I can’t even use it on a totally empty project. I get the following errors:
“Error Accessed None ‘EquippedWeapon’ from node Set MyPlayerController in blueprint MyCharacter”
“Error Attempt to assign variable through None from node Set MyPlayerController in blueprint MyCharacter”
“Error Accessed None ‘EquippedWeapon’ from node Set MyPlayerController in blueprint MyCharacter”.

All I’ve is download this and try to use it by applying the gamemode.

Right after you spawn the weapon in the mycharacter blueprint there is a setter node forEquippedWeapon … connect the spawning of the weapon and the EquippedWeapon node


I am really struggling to get the template working in TPS. Has anybody modified it to true TPS with crosshair and managed to get it to work? Looked at above but cant get it working. - maybe a few camera modes that are optimized configuration changes? :slight_smile:

Zooming seem to be off in default mode as well?

Great toolset


One more comment, was the sounds cue removed in the last version? Cant find it on weapon default any longer.

If you check the character Blueprint that comes with the package, you can see the setup I have made.
There is a bunch of camera stuff that sets a location on the weapon. That’s a “shoot to location” solution. Basically, this circumvents the straight shot that the weapon usually does. Remember to set the boolean to enable it too. That is set on the weapon.

I will make some videos next week when I get back to my workstation. I’ll make a bunch of videos explaining different things in more detail.

I might have disabled the zoom on accident, I’ll look into it.

The sound cue is changed to “muzzle effect” I believe. It’s a subclass of “weapon effect”. Weapon effect ties a particle and a sound together.

i did. what problem you run into?

Hi @

I’ve found that with the default Assault Rifle when running about and on Full Auto, the muzzle flash seems to well… not be in the right place. I tried this, but it didn’t work:
link to screenshot from BaseWeapon](

Any ideas?

EDIT: Also any idea why this is showing up? No obvious fouling nodes etc. “Error Accessed None ‘CallFunc_Array_Get_Item’ from node Set CurrentHorizontalRecoil in blueprint BaseWeapon”

Those videos would be awesome. Keep up the good work.

Alll kinds :). Fairly new at this. I seem to not hit the cross hair, when I start playing around the the camera etc the standard mess doesnt seem to stick to the hands anymore etc etc :). Would you be able to share a basic TPS blueprint that uses this function with me (for my education and getting a bit less crappy at this…)?


Are you sure that you are using the latest version from the marketplace?

If you are running the latest version… can you tell me where it is spawning instead(the muzzle flash)? maybe a screenshot?

There is a slight oversight in the marketplace version.
If you have problem getting it to work, please connect the 2 nodes in the character Blueprint eventgraph as I have attached here.

Sorry for the inconvenience

Hey @ , me again!

I’m currently using the shotgun and just realised I can pretty much shoot someone from the other side of the map! How do I turn the ‘range’ down? Which variable/function? I tried playing with Muzzle Velocity but it isn’t really that. Thanks!

(Perhaps it is bullet drop rate or soemthing?)

muzzle velocity is the speed. Try setting that to 40000 for a shotgun.

Don’t make the projectiles too heavy,… a shotgun pellet weighs in less than a gram, so maybe 0.7 in weight. Set blast count to 15 maybe… and turn on trace so you can see how it works.

Across the map? how big is your map?

As a rule of thumb I feel you should provide a tooltip for ALL stats when it comes to values for weight, time, speed, etc. as it is at times hard to tell sometimes whether things are measured in feet, metres, millimetres, inches, etc.

I would also love to see an option to choose between RPM (Rounds Per-Minute) & RPS (Rounds Per-Second) or preferably if it is easier just use RPM over RPS for the various Fire Rate Stats you have for your BaseWeapon Blueprint.

By doing this you will save a lot of us a hell of a lot of time breaking down & calculating various real-world weapon statistics which all measure a weapons fire rate by RPM, as even though it doesn’t take that much time to do the calculations it does become a drag if you’re working with many different weapons & variants that all have very different fire rate statistics.

P.S. I am curious to know what measurements are used for the Muzzle Velocity as m/s or ft/s would be ideal :slight_smile:

I will add tooltips, off course, lazyness on my part that they are not there.

As a rule, everything in my Blueprints are metric. UE is metric, so the system works in metric. Sorry for all the colonies :slight_smile:

The muzzle velocity is units/s which is the same as cm/s. I will add an option for m/s.
I’ll add an RPM option. This option will overwrite the time between shots when set.

If people really want it I can make an “Imperial” package.

a solution would be to copy the line trace that leads to the crossair and paste it again and change the camera at the start for the second one to the third person camera and make a branch to check when you switch cameras

There is now a bunch of new videos to check out.

Setting up a project
Weapon settings Explained
Put a weapon in his hand
3rd person setup
Bullet penetration

Check them out here:
[Realistic Blueprint Weapons

One is still missing, that is attachments, it will come soon.


Making progress. However new issue. I am trying to get the weapon to destroy a destructible mesh. Is there a certain weapon setting I need to activate to ensure I get a physic collision with the mesh?

Can get the mesh to destroy when I run into it, but not shooting at it.


there are no settings it should work , check if the damage parameters are setup for it to destroy

Basic question. Trying to get the “advanced decal” package to work with the realistic blueprint and having some real issues. The advanced decal issue is asking for bullet location and bullet forward vector which seemed pretty easy at first but doesnt seem to work. How do I get the bullet forward vector with the aim direction/rotation included? Anybody integrated these two packages successfully?