Support Stream - Rendering Best Practices - June 2nd

This stream will be about rendering best practices and a bit about optimizing too. If you’re an artist or making a graphics-heavy project, then you better show up!


shows off how to make the most of your GPU for rendering and how to locate what is hurting performance.


Follow us on the official Unreal Engine Twitch channel:


Tuesday, June 2nd @ 2:00-3:00PM EST Countdown]


, Developer Relations Tech Artist (@zakparrish]())

, (@]())

Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the thread below! We’ll get to as many as we can!

Edit: The YouTube archive is now available here](Rendering Best Practices | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube)

Is Zak currently working on any more tutorial series?

Yeah ! Best new this week ! :o

I have a couple questions about actually modifying the rendering pipeline in the engine. I know some of the things I’m adding will be resource intensive (I’m adding a float4 GBuffer for post processing) but I also know there are a lot of things in the pipeline which I don’t need.

Is there anything to look out for when modifying the pipeline in terms of performance? And is just not using features enough to make sure they won’t impact performance or are you better off removing parts of the pipeline you don’t need?

Any other tips about modifying the pipeline would be greatly appreciated! :smiley:

Is there any way to profile what specific elements of a material are the most costly?

Could we have people working in Fornite or Gears of War 4 games in the event ?

Any major issues using sub-materials based on id’s? What would be considered allowable ?

Thanks for the great questions everybody! Make sure to keep them coming!

This is an engine stream specifically, so we only have people working on game projects come on if they also work with engine elements. As a note, the next Gears title is being made by Black Tusk Studios.

Great news :smiley:

Great great !! Can’t wait !!

I have a few questions :

  • Is there any obvious rules to optimise games, that all veterans know and rookies have to know ?
  • when low FPS happened, what is the process to understand where the lagging comes from ?
  • Is there any process, any way to A sort of check list of thing to do regulary ?
  • What is the use of each component (cpu calculates what ?, ram load what ?, gpu display what ?) ?
  • What is the average gamer’s engine which is used on tests ?
  • How optimise/deal with a game in order to make it awesome on an ultimate engine and playable on a old-fashinoned one ?
  • In the Unreals Stats, the “memory” one is quite amazing but how can we know if any line is too high ? (ex : 500mo texture max, shadow map, 100mo, etc)
  • Although GPU particles are cheaper than CPU one, what is the reasonnable limit about environnement particles & instant particles ?

Sooooo many questions !! :smiley:

I’m not sure if there’s a definitive answer to this one, but since it came up for the game I’m working on:

  • Performance wise, when using tiled/repeating basic meshes and materials, is it better to scale the object and use a dynamic material to increase the tiling, or use the same static materials but repeat the mesh?

E.g. Two rooms of different dimensions using planes for floor, but the same material, would it be a better idea to duplicate the mesh and fill the floor, or use one mesh scaled to fit, then adjust the tiling with a dynamic materials in a construction script?

OMG I did lost the of ask on the twitch!!!

@Zack you told something about a trick with vectors dot from Up - View at 49:15~ while this gave me some ideas I would like to request to you to expose this a bit deeper.
While I’m not working on mobile, I have an idea to “fake” SSS skin shader, but since lightvector was deferred I think that this (while fixed) could be a nice replacement.




Why isn’t profiling a push button feature?