[SUPPORT] Sound Samples Asset Packs

This is my support thread for my Sound Sample Packages available on the Unreal Engine Marketplace. I have chosen to utilize a single forum thread to avoid unnecessary multiple threads.

You can find the packages at the following link: Link to my products page

Please feel free to connect with me via the provided email or through this thread, or you can send me a message on the Unreal Engine Forum. If you encounter any issues with a sound sample or have any complaints, kindly inform me, and I will promptly resolve them. Due to the lack of documentation and implementation demos, I apologize if the demonstration of my packages is not optimal. The Industrial Sound Samples pack was my first asset pack, which set the foundation for my sound asset pack creation. However, it is the oldest and would benefit from some refinement. The Factory Sound Sample pack follows a similar usability formula to my first package. My primary focus is to design sounds that are crafted with game development in mind. As a result, the sounds are clean and without any background noise or reverb. Specifically, in the Animal Sound Samples pack, I have manually cleaned the bird recordings using spectral editing software to ensure only the pure sound of the animals remains. Unfortunately, this detail has not been adequately advertised until now, but I plan to explain this process in a future video for a better understanding of how these sounds are created.

Since the sounds are processed to achieve this cleanliness, they may sometimes sound unusual because they lack the natural reverb that would typically accompany sounds like a bird singing in the forest. However, this is intentional because I have designed these sounds to be used with dynamic reverb created within the game. For example, a robin’s song could be heard with appropriate reverb in a forest or with a completely different reverb when heard inside a cave.

The sound levels have been optimized to their maximum potential (-6db), resulting in a loud sound. This approach simulates a sound being heard close to the ears, allowing for proper sound location and attenuation, and allow you to be able to move as close to the sound source as desired.

If you notice anything unusual, encounter issues, or have any questions, please do not hesitate to inform me.

Moving forward, I have plans to enhance the listing and documentation of my packages. I intend to provide more videos showcasing the implementation of the sounds. Additionally, I am considering creating small tutorials on implementation and general guides to assist you in effectively incorporating the sounds as needed. I am unsure if Metasounds can be sold within a package by now, so I will conduct further research on this matter. If possible, I would like to create Metasounds for the Water Sound Samples Package to enhance user-friendliness during implementation.

For those interested, I use the following software to create my sounds:

  • Reaper
  • Serum
  • Spectralayers

My previous hardware was the Zoom H5, which has now been replaced by the Zoom F3. The Zoom H5 was utilized in the cover art. Please note that I am not sponsored by Zoom or any software. If you would like more detailed information about my hardware, such as microphones, please feel free to contact me. This hardware was used for field recordings and foley art, supplemented by extensive processing in Reaper. I augmented many of my field recordings by layering foley art-created sounds to ensure they sounded just right and reached their cleanest and most optimal potential. The cover arts consists of photobashing of photos I have collected over the years, initially used in the Industrial Sound Sample package and expanded upon in newer releases.

If you have any videos or projects that could potentially promote my sound samples in use, feel free to reach out to me. I would enlist any video showing off my packages on my Youtube channel featuring your project in return. I would also like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all my customers. Your support has allowed me to enhance my sound design through hardware and software improvements. I will reciprocate this support by continuously updating my packages, free of charge, whenever possible, ensuring you always have a versatile sound sample package at hand for your next project. I will use this thread to provide you with updates on any of my packages alongside customer support inquiries.

Thank you, and have a productive day.

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Hello developers

I hope you are doing well
I wanted to share some update roadmap regarding my Sound Asset Packs:

  1. Water Sound Samples:
    I am currently working on adding underwater hydrophonic sound samples to the Water Sound Samples Asset Pack. This update is expected to be rolled out by the end of December 2023. Considering the popularity of water-themed levels in games (a small joke here I know), there should be a demand for high-quality underwater sounds. I will aim to recreate the deep underwater sound effects that can be heard in a small submarine and of course the sound you would hear with your ears while diving underwater. Additionally, I am planning to capture rain sounds on different surfaces, with a particular focus on raindrops that hits fallen leaves on the ground since this is the right season for it.

  2. Industrial Ambient Sound:
    This package update has been long overdue. I am intending to design realistic ambient sounds that are typically heard in big factory grounds, including falling metal, sounds of large cranes, and distant worker chatter. To ensure accuracy, I will be referring to simulation games as visual references. This update is expected to be rolled out by the end of January 2024, with the possibility of further updates in the future.

  3. Destruction Sound Samples:
    I have planned a significant update for this asset pack. Using my new 32-bit recording device, I have collected various objects that will be smashed and tossed around, allowing for more realistic destruction sound effects for different materials and items. When I initially designed this package, recording this type of content was challenging due to the risk of clipping the recording while smashing glass or ceramic objects. The update for this asset pack is expected to be released by the end of February 2024.

  4. Animal Sound Samples:
    In the upcoming spring season, I have plans to record even more animal sounds. However, prior to that, I would like to focus on designing sounds that are currently not included in this asset pack. I have identified a specific area that I believe is lacking in other Animal Sound Asset Packs, and I aim to address this gap. Although I am unable to provide a specific timeline for this update, it will serve as a follow-up to the Destruction Sound Samples update.

  5. Meta Sounds:
    I am currently exploring the incorporation of meta sounds, particularly for the Water Sound Samples. However, further research is required to fully understand the implementation process.

  6. General Documentation and better naming convention:
    I am committed to providing comprehensive support for my sound sample assets. To ensure their optimal use, I will be offering demos and tutorials in the future. This will allow me to track down whether any assets require further refinement. If your game incorporates my sound samples, I encourage you to inform me as I am genuinely interested in your projects and how my sound samples are implemented alongside the visuals and gameplay. Furthermore, I will feature your game on my YouTube channel.

  7. Support:
    While I will be available on Discord for direct support in some cases, I intend to minimize its usage unless an asset release requires more personalized assistance. Please feel free to reach out via this forum thread or email for any questions or inquiries.

Thank you for your attention, and I wish you a productive day.

Best regards,

Mathias Wenzel