[Support] Procedural SkyBox

Procedural SkyBox Plugin is now available in the Unreal Marketplace.

Marketplace Link

This plugin allows you to create stunning, dynamic skies that enhance the visual fidelity of your game.

Key Features:

  1. Dynamic Clouds and Nebulae
    Generate realistic cloud formations and nebula shapes that adapt seamlessly to your game’s environment, bringing your skies to life.
  2. Advanced Noise Shader Library
    Leverage the built-in Noise Shaders Library to create diverse skybox formations with ease, offering endless customization options.
  3. Physical Lighting Model
    Achieve true-to-life visuals with physical lighting model, ensuring your clouds and nebulae have realistic shadows and coloration under various lighting conditions.
  4. Layered Materials
    Utilize Unreal’s powerful Layered Material System to add multiple layers of cloud materials, creating stunning, multi-dimensional skies.
  5. Custom Color Curve
    Apart from parameter-based colorization, custom color curves offer precise control over the coloration and transitions of your skybox elements, enhancing the overall atmosphere.

Procedural SkyBox - Trailer | Unreal Engine Marketplace (youtube.com)

Getting Started with Procedural SkyBox - Tutorial | Unreal Engine Marketplace (youtube.com)