Changed material instance names to be more descriptive.
Separated material masters and instances into different directories.
Touched up several textures to improve texture quality (removed lighting information from albedo, improved seamless tiling on certain textures).
Coalesced materials into fewer directories (for instance, removed mud directory and moved those materials to floor directory). Kept just the main directories: floor, wall, roof, misc
Merged tessellated versions of materials back to standard materials. Where there might have been a standard non-tessellated and a tessellated version of the material, there is now just a tessellated version. I did this to reduce clutter and to simplify the materials.
Added variations on several of the material instances to give user more immediate selection without having to play with material instance parameters (for instance, instead of just one painted rust material instance with a yellow color paint, I have 4 material instances, red, yellow, white, and gold).
The number of master materials is now at 25, with materials instances now being at 58.
This won’t be the last update. I intend to keep improving the existing materials and adding new ones in the future. If you’ve purchased this pack, I’d love to hear from you! Please rate it on the Marketplace site and leave a comment.
p.s. I had someone request to see particular materials tiling, so here they are:
And finally, a blend of the smooth mud and cracked mud thrown onto a simple terrain. I want to figure out how to get smooth mud in higher areas, with the cracked mud showing up in low-lying areas.
The pack will probably be 15 to 20 materials, sold cheap. As noted in the first post, these aren’t complete yet. I had a grass mat that looked awesome on the sphere, but when I dropped it on the ground, looked horrible
What I would REALLY REALLY like is some EASY to use materials.
So a mud material is ok… if you know how to use it. and where etc.
But for guys like me, who work in the game logic department mostly, getting something to look good just takes too long.
What I need is a material I can drop on a landscape, and I have a beautiful blend of stuff… cliffs when steep, dirt other places and grass
And I need a material I can drop on a rock I’ve spent 2 minutes making in blender, and I have a rock with moss on top.
These clean materials, although they look nice enough(the leather and mud are too shiny)… are just too much work for someone like me.
As for getting the cracked mud in the lower parts and smooth mud up top… that’s the wrong way around, water runs downhill But you should look at world z-position… and make mask on that.
If the mud or leather is too shiny or not depends o what is is meant to represent. Fine grained wet mud is very shiny, i’ve seen mud looking almost exactly like this material. The same for the leather. Newly conditioned leather can be even shinier than this material.
Maybe you should add some material parameters for easy customization of stuff like this.
Another couple of mats; left is a plastic tarp mat, right is a rocky dirt mat:
Almost lost everything, as a freak accident left about half an inch of water in my computer room Luckily my computer wasn’t damaged, but it didn’t make for a great day!
These look pretty good! For what price are you aiming?
As Havocx mentioned, parameters are a must – they’re the actual reason I would purchase material packages. Items should be as customizable as possible (e.g. adding rust to metals, dirt to floors, etc).
Thanks LHutz! The price will depend on how many mats I eventually settle on for the pack. For right now I was aiming at 15 for $5. If I add more or delve into terrain mats, and I think the effort and quality justifies it, I might set it at $10. Either way, each mat is going to have as much customizable as makes sense for that mat (stucco would have color and dialable dirt/mold). Any suggestions for mat types you’d like to see? I was thinking of working on some diamond plate chrome next.
Your albedo values, especially on the leather, are very dark. You should look at the some of the Marmoset PBR templates to make sure your textures are properly calibrated.
Thanks MooseCommander. I’ll check out the Marmoset PBR docs. The leather is an alpha texture multiplied by a color vector in the material to give it color, so it being too dark is probably because I picked too dark of a color for the vector.
Here’s a question: are 4k textures desirable, or overkill in most cases? The last two mats I show, I use 4k textures, but all of the previous ones are 2k. Is it only important for materials you’d be able to get really close to (walls, for instance)? And if I provide 4k textures, should I also include 2k version?
That depends on how open and diverse each level is and how much graphics memory the target platform has.
4k textures look good. If you have four walls and a roof, a table and chairs, and a couple of characters, 4k (With lower resolutions as options of course) is a reasonable choice.
4k textures take up a lot of memory. If you’re texturing the rocks in Skyrim in 4k, it’s probably not worth it for right now.
In other words, I’d continue to offer 4k textures, but I’d have them default to 2k and maybe have 1k options available as well. That’s just my opinion though.
Thanks Crumbaker! I still have a lot of work left, and then the submission process. Hopefully you’ll vote for it when it’s on the Trello board?
Veovis and HavocX: I was already leaning towards providing 4k and 2k, so your input decides it for me. Providing 1k textures is something that I hadn’t thought of. I’ll have to see how those look. Thank you for your replies!
I like the way this one turned out, which is nice, cause the wood texture i was working on right before it was a major disappointment and had to be trashed What sort of parametrization would be ideal for this sort of mat?