[SUPPORT] House Builder


House Builder is a home improvement design tool.It contains many basic primitives,through simple operations, you can quickly and easily draw a floor plan and generate building meshes by configuration.

Video: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7qGm2496OgsqQUnWL6Niz_5Gewi6K7eJ


Discord: discord.gg/GQFYMzvTTw

Homepage: http://kadadaka.com/index_cn.html

If you have any questions or suggestions please email me.
Email: kskadadaka@gamil.com

Version 1.1
Video: youtu.be/BSeUJDhLTfQ
New features:

  • The wall can be dragged and moved.

  • Visualized house decoration style setting.

  • Intelligently generate the roof.

Bug fixes and optimizations: Document

Technical Details


  • Draw the walls from a line or a rectangle and automatically generate rooms.
  • Draw a floor plan from a reference drawing.
  • Contains various parametric primitives such as doors,windows,beams,columns,text etc.
  • Configurable decoration styles.
  • Generate or export static meshes on demand.
  • Interactive single door, sliding door.

Code Modules:

  • KSHouseBuilder
  • KSHouseBuilderEditor

Supported Development Platforms: PC

Supported Target Build Platforms: PC

Documentation: Document

Example Project: Example


Does this support images brought into the Engine with Reference Plan drawings?

Yes, you can import floorplan images for refreence and set the image scale.There are plans to support importing dxf files for reference in the future.

can i run this in run time

Hi. Very nice tool, thanks! Are all the future updates (version 2 and so on) free to download whoever purchased version 1?

Not currently supported

Yes,Upgrades are free after purchase

I have a couple questions and also I believe a bug note.
Can I add more options for windows and doors?
I have figured out how to replace a style. For example in House Style I can go to Openings index 6 which is French Window and select a different asset.
However if I try to add element type says null and is un-editable.
How do I add new door and window options?

  1. At some point something changed. Now in floor plan 3D, house style, etc, there is no or very poor lighting. I did copy the project from my laptop to my desktop. Maybe that’s when it happened. Do you know what changed or how to fix it?

  2. Bug note.
    It seems as though the drawing for door direction in floor plan is backward relative to what is inserted into the 3D model. So if the floor plan shows the door opening inward it will show in the model opening outward.


I’m really interested in buying your House Builder Plugin for Unreal Engine but I have a simple question before buying it.

I know it’s not working at Runtime at the moment but this is what we need. Would it be possible to extract part of your plugin functionalities and make it work at runtime after some work from our developper ? Or is it embedded in some envrinnement that we could not extract stems from ?

Thanks in advance for your answer.