Support for Equirectangular Spherical Images


I wonder if there is any plan to include support for spherical HDR images. We are testing a few cameras at the moment along with a few different photogrammetry solutions with the intention of capturing architectural interiors with furniture and fittings.

One system we have is a motorised head with a Canon 5DS and the other is a Panono camera. Both can be single exposure or HDR. We can extract individual shots or export as jpg stiched Sphericals - Thus far we have had limited success with the individual frames, possibly because each photo is shot at odd angles.

As a comparison - our intended workflow would be similar to Matterport - (though without the restriction of having to use their camera and Web Services)

Our workflow would also include export to 3dsmax for cleaning up and eventually to Unity for ViveVR applications.

Any thoughts? Can we assist by providing some images to you for testing?


Hi nick.pickop
We are already working on an interesting solution… Yes, it would help us get some sample data from you. Send us the original data before you create spherical panoramas, as we would use them in a quite different way from creating panoramas as the first step…

Send it to

+1 this request. I’m currently using Agisoft for spherical support and would switch to RC if you can provide support.


Is there any update on the spherical panoramas support ?
I tried with the last RC demo app, but alignment is very bad so it doesn’t seem to be supported yet ?
(I tried with several overlap (low, medium and high) and distorsion models (brown and division))

Thanks !

Maybe I didn’t find the option to enable spherical camera support, anyone had success on this ?
Thanks !

Jonathan Tanant wrote:

Maybe I didn’t find the option to enable spherical camera support, anyone had success on this ?
Thanks !

It is not ready yet…

I am hoping for this feature to be supported sometime soon! Please?

Still waiting?

Still waiting it seems.