Support for dx10 graphic card

Support for DX10 graphic card.

already does support DX10. run UE4Editor with -SM4 or -D3D10. Dont expect the same fidelity as D3D11, but it does work.

yes but is supported for game not for the engine even if you run the engine is buggy and really slow.

Not really sure about that, my friend was using D3D10 in the editor for ages before he got an upgraded graphics card, and he never had any issues with slowness. Of course your never going to get the same quality as D3D11, but last I recall it wasn’t exactly buggy and slow.

And infact I just ran in D3D10 mode now, and no issues, definately not slow.

this is one of my bugs and here is the response:

i have other bugs like postprocesing doesnt change (enable/disable) some time the editor texture(buttons and other editor ui) glitch for 1-3 frame.

and is d3d10 different from sm4 or is the same thing because i run ti with sm4?
if so can you tell me how to use d3d10.

They are all same. You can see the command line overrides here if you have access to the source code:

So basically -d3d10, -sm4 and -dx10 are all doing the same thing.

then how can i run ue4 without bugs in my laptop?

is ue4.10 going to be better?

As per the answerhub answer. This doesn’t sound like an issue with lacking support for DX10, it sounds like an underpowered graphics card. As I said, I am running in DX10 mode right now, and am not experiencing any issues, everything looks the way it should.

Same issue as your other threads–you need to buy a better graphics card/computer

even the bugs are because of the gpu?

That would be my guess, considering I couldn’t replicate them even when running in D3D10 mode here.

OK than im asking for unreal to support dx10 graphic card like mine all the games that are not made with ue4 works well at 60 fps if you disable ssao on my pc.
Can unreal engine team optimize it for my dx10 gpu?
im so sure that every one with a low end gpu will appreciate it and don’t forget that AAA games want to sell games for all types of pc
(we dont need hair work or stupid effect that change only the graphic and not the gameplay)

The thing is: You need more resources to develop a game than required for playing it.
So, even if you want to develop for a low end system to be played on, you need a mid-calss system to develop on.
Its like books… If it takes you two hours to read it, it doesnt mean it just took two hours to write it :smiley:

What do you want to do? Have an editor that runns on your machine and allows you to develop games for the Geforce 210?
Your system is simply too weak.
I have a far better laptop and cant do landscapes properly. I use a desktop machine instead.
Laptops do not lend themselves for game development. Their focus is a different one. Power consumption and temperatures. So mobile graphic chips are inherently less powrrfull than a desktop card…

AAA game means to at the top of everything. So a studio may want to sell games to all types of gamers (hardwarewise), but they shure dont have laptop DX10 users in mind when they furnish their next masterpiece.

other game engine have support form dx9 and you can make game with dx9 gpu for ps4 and xbox one you just need a frame to se if the game looks god in the sm4 or 5 and you can continue to focus on game play (like other engines do) and bay the way you dont need dx11 to make good looking game or ssr ,look at a AAA made with ue4 ARK at high setting looks go but at low even super mario 64 is better.

Most PC gamers have a DX11 graphics card, there’s little reason to support anything less.

just suggesting i’m not interested in making games with ue4 but i like to play game and to me looks like ue4 have the worst scalable system ever

If you’re not interested in making games, then you should be talking to the developers of the game you’re having issues with. But again, an Intel HD 3000 is just not very powerful and you won’t be able to get much out of it in any game.

yes but i think is more powerfull then a n64 and i dont have problems with other games.
and is not the problem of one game all the game made with ue4 ,ue3 run perfectly.

I have a PC with an Intel 5500 which is more powerful than the 3000 and have to run everything on the lowest settings, I doubt that you’re getting any good results with games unless they are very old.

And there’s not many games released yet that run UE4, most of them are still in development or on early access, which means they haven’t gotten to the optimization phase yet.