Support E57 full panorama information

Currently the E57 import does not include the full panorama images, but only uses the 3D point cloud with color.
RC interpolates interpolate the colors where there is no 3D point information to create the images for E57 import. However, the color information from the panorama images is especially crucial where there is no 3d points. We need it for texturing fixed models (re-import and then texture), and also for the undistorted image export.

E.g. panoramas exported from Recap or other packages such as Cyclone may include full panorama information (not just colored point clouds). In particular, Recap includes color information for non 3d points in the point cloud, while Cyclone includes such information optionally as images2D tags in the XML section of the E57.

RC currently loads none of that image information and just interpolates the colors as mentioned earlier. We would like there to be an option to use the full panoramas in those two E57 encodings so that we can texture the additional geometry we create to fill holes of scans (e.g. car windows, license plates, other reflective surfaces that are in the panorama image but do not have 3D point information). It would be good to include the full texture / panorama information for both the mesh texturing as well as the export of textures and undistorted images.

As a side note: the images RC generates from laser scan data often also include weird black lines instead of being one seamless image.

Hope this helps.

Any response? Thanks in advance.

Just buy an RC licence and find this post (and this problem then…) 

to late for me…Any chance that you fix this e57 imagery support issue?

or is way a way to process (from recap/blk360 3dscanner)


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