Try to find the Fisheye shader, it is more suitable for such purposes, or check out the Panini function, there is a curvature option


What I want is to get this kind of projection.

The square is the area of the screen, and the inner semi-square is the distorted projection I’m looking for. Ignore the sphere, it’s just the focal plane cutout. As shown below:



It is similar to the traditional Frustum, only that it ends in a cut of spherical section, or spherical cap, but it is not a cap itself, because the cut is angular, which generates discontinuous curves in the limits of the frame.

It is supposed that we would start from an ellipsoid as a cut shape and not from a sphere as in this example. So the distortion is not like a fisheye, it is more like a human eye type distortion.

It is much more subtle than the fisheye, as the degree of distortion depends on both the FOV and the shape and size of the screen.

The projection you use for the 180VR capture, what type is it?

If you want you can find me in discord as @metanauta

In this video I saw that you managed to create a spherical projection, although in reality the lens of the human eye is not spherical perfectly, it is more like an ellipsoid shape, so my suggestion would be to flatten the sphere, and then project from the side, so that it is more like a human eye projection. Then we left there to make the frustum cut of the aspect ratio and screen size, extending over the surface of the ellipsoid. Thus we would obtain a natural projection, similar to the human eye with a point at infinity.

It is assumed that what is closer will look more curved, but also more compressed towards the limits, also smaller and instead the center will be less distorted and also larger. Just like the human eye.

Experiments in Camera 360v2 Unreal engine. Realtime raytracing custom projection - YouTube

Hello! Please tell me, when rendering in Sequenc using Legacy, the grass is not displayed. The grass is initially not visible in the recording camera and, accordingly, there is no grass when rendering. But the grass is visible in Camera Point.

If you draw grass through Foliage with a brush, then everything is fine, the grass is visible in the render.

During rendering, the grass disappears when the camera moves to another place in the scene, there is no grass there, it does not have time to load, as I understand it, how can this be fixed? so that the grass has time to load as the camera moves.
Using Сamera360 Bluprint

Try check this solution

Add GameOverrides

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Hello, can I use Take Recorder in Unreal Engine 5 using Camera v2?


I have another question. Can I print a render pass using Camera v2 360? For example, I would like to output AO and DIFFUSE images separately and combine them in a video editing tool.

Yes, you can using custom render, example Ambient Occlusion, BaseColor and other

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Thank you

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Me too

Object ID not support, but you can try using Render Stencial or Layer

And you can try check PathTracing

Hello Ivan! Amazing work on the plugin, it can truly do wonders!

I have been trying to render an interior scene in equirectangular 360 for a while now, but I always seem to have seems on my reflective materials. I have followed your tutorials, your google doc and this forum, but no matter what I try, the seams are there. There are also some weird black reflections in the mirror that are never there when I render a regular image I am using Lumen for global illumination and reflections and unfortunately am forbidden to use any other type.


Any and all ideas are more than welcome. Thank you for your hard work and time!

We’re using a particle (snow) emitter (ultra dynamic sky asset) in one or scenes, they do not show up in the renders. Only some snow that’s really close to the camera is showing. Do you have any idea how we can solve this?

Another scene contains local height fog with a large scale, this seem to crash unreal without any notification.

Do you have any idea?

We’re sill on the later v1, because we cant get the v2 to work

Good afternoon!
I will try to write instructions on how to bake a part system for UDS
I’ve already done UDS particle rendering and everything worked fine, but I need to adapt the particle system for rendering

Hello everyone, I have used the plugin with versions 4.26 and 4.27 and it works great. I have a project from which I want to create a 360 video in version 4.18, but I can’t get it to work. It outputs flat frames. Any solution? Thanks in advance.