[SUPPORT] Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit

Yeah, like I said, Epic told me a couple of days ago it was because they were uploading my latest patch, but something must have gone wrong. I’ve contacted them again recently, but they are not answering. Probably because it’s the weekend. I’m sure they’ll be able to fix it tomorrow. Sorry if this is inconvenient, but I don’t think there is anything I can do but wait along with you now that I’ve made them aware of the problem.

Hey. I bought it a day ago. But I still can’t download it. What happened? It seems, that it is really great toolkit

Hello again!

I was able to download the blueprints today, but it seems like a few of them are missing? It might have to do with the update, but some of the files like “BP_Grid_Manager” and “Unit_Player_Melee” don’t appear. It also could be something I’m doing wrong. Just wanted to let you know! Thanks.

So the patch is up, but it seems like Epic forgot to add the config files again. I’ve notified Epic, but in the meantime you can download the config files here. Unzip and replace the config files in the folder of your project.

@gocubsgo: Except for the missing congig files everything seems to be included on my end. Try to create a new project, add the toolkit with the new project closed and see if it works this time. If not, I’ll look into it.

Edit: I have managed to replicate the problem you are seeing. Some assets seem to predictably not be imported to certain projects. Grid Manager, Grid Camera, the example map and some of the pawns are not shown in the content folder when I import them to Stylized Rendering or StrategyGame, but do appear in blank projects, Vehicle Game and Sun Temple. They still appear in the windows explorer folder structures of all projects. This is extremely strange and I have notified Epic. For now, try adding the project to a new, blank, closed project if you’re having problems with the import. Let me know if that doesn’t work either for anyone.

Edit 2: By the way, this is what has been added in the new patch. This is the patch I sent Epic a few days after release, and it mostly contains bug fixes. I’m working on a new update that will have a lot of new features, but I still have some work until it is done.

  • Added an option for changing between player pawns when clicking on them. Only works for pawns that have not acted yet this turn.
  • Added some more variables that are useful for adding gameplay features. These include an “has acted this turn” variable for pawns and a turn counter in the grid manager.
  • Fixed a bug where tiles in move range would always be transparent blue, regardless of the mesh used.
  • Simplified the pathfinding by removing checking for edges and instead populating the edge nodes with unwalkable nodes at grid generation. This is easier to read, speeds up the pathfinding slightly and fixes a bug that created suboptimal paths to tiles on edges for hex grids.
  • Fixed a bug that caused auto generation of walkability based on height to fail if the grid manager was not placed at0 on the Z-axis.
  • Various minor fixes.

Thanks for the prompt reply! I was able to get the blueprints working by updating to 4.7.2 (I was using 4.6.1 before). As you said, it looks like the files simply don’t appear in certain projects, but the uasset is defintely in the project folder.

Great to hear you got it working! I hope you’ll enjoy it :slight_smile: Just post here if you have any additional questions. Remember to add the config files I added in the last post until Epic have uploaded them again. I hope they can get the strange error with certain blueprints not showing up in the content browser sorted out as well.

Edit: Everything seems to be working now, though please let me know if anyone else encounters any errors.

Bought this yesterday, works fine on my Windows machine, but I tried using this on two different Macs and it’d crash the entire editor anytime you try to drag the grid manager into the viewport. I dev primarily on OS X so it’s kinda frustrating, any other OS X users experiencing this issue?

Generating report for minidump

Application version 4.7.3-2479750+++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7
… built from changelist 2479750
… based on label ++depot+UE4-Releases+4.7

OS version
Running 4 x64 processors
Exception was “SIGSEGV: invalid attempt to access memory at address 0x18”

I’ve had it working on my mac since it first came out but I haven’t updated to the latest rev yet. Is there a trick to getting the new stuff into a project that already has it? I tried add to project but it didn’t seem to change anything…


Started a blank project with the updated toolkit, and no problems under OS X. At least, I think it’s the new kit. Is there anything on your BP or toolkit that shows a version number? That will become necessary as more versions are released and people start having multiple projects with different revisions of the toolkit in them. Just a thought. Cheers,


Found a weird possible bug in this new lil test case of mine. Made a quick grid and pawns like so:

Now, for whatever reason, any pawn standing on the upper right corner, where the red pawns starts, is invulnerable. The green can’t hit the red while it’s there, and if I get the green to that tile, the red acts as if he’s vanished. Does this mean that I haven’t gotten the update and the edge case fixes you added to it?


Something else I just noticed. Although the toolkit says add to project, when you hit that button, it brings up the create project dialog…


Yeah, I tried with both 4.7 and 4.6 versions(with the respective versions of the BP as well), I get the same error above every-time. It’s the latest version of it since I only purchased it yesterday.

Hi and J.J. Franzen, thanks for giving me the bug reports. I do not own a Mac, and have thus not have the opportunity to test the toolkit on one. That J.J. Franzen gets it working shows that using a Mac itself isn’t the problem, though I have no idea what might be causing it. I will contact Epic and see if they can help me sort it out. I haven’t heard of anyone having this problem yet, but it might be a problem with the new patch. If I send you an older version could you check out to see if it works? If nothing works I guess you’ll have to ask for a refund to Epic. I hope we can find a solution, though. If anyone else reading this thread is having the same problem, please let me know.

@J.J. Franzen: Ok, a few things to answer here. Firstly, it seems the pack can no longer be added to projects, only to create new projects (though it still appears as add to project in the vault). I’m unsure if this is an error by Epic, or if they never wanted people to be able to add it to projects in the first place (since it alters the config file). I’m trying to get an answer about this from Epic. If you want to add it to a project anyway, what you have to do is create a new project with the ATBTT and migrate its entire Advanced Turn Based Tile Toolkit folder to the project you want to add it to. You also have to copy the config file from the new ATBTT project to the one you want to add it to.

You have an eye for finding bugs quickly, and I thank you for it. The invincible pawn bug is caused by a very small error I did in creating the pregenerate gameplay grids function. It is extremely easy to fix, and really annoying that I didn’t catch it. It is caused by the toolkit making the arrays containing pawns one index too small, causing the last index (the corner tile with the problem) to count as empty. I will send a hotfix to Epic immediately. In the meantime, this is how you fix it. In the Pregenerate Gameplay Grids Function, remove the highlighted minus node.

Always happy to help fix things, even if it’s just finding what’s broken. :slight_smile: Do you have some form of versioning in place that I can check to verify I have the proper latest version in place since updating from the marketplace only updates the source, not anything already in a project? I think it will come in very handy down the road. I haven’t been able to get much done with your toolkit yet as I’ve been cranking out tiles and such for Zues, but I’m reached a good pausing point so I’m going to take another stab at making a proper ipad interface over your system. If I come up with something interesting is it something you’d like to get or are you working on something like that yourself? Cheers,


Good idea to include some for of versioning. Do you know how this is commonly done in marketplace releases? There are probably a few ways I can do it, though if there is a standard solution it would probably be better to use that one.

Great to hear you’re still working on the meshes. Can’t wait to see how Zeustiak’s world generator will look with proper meshes.

Thanks for the offer of creating a proper ipad interface. I have started working on mobile support myself, but I got sidetracked working on height maps and grid auto generation. I plan to return to it soon, though. I am a bit of a control freak when it comes to stuff I’m developing, so I probably wouldn’t implement any sokution you found directly, but if you developed one I would love to have a look at it for inspiration in making my own :slight_smile:

Well, yours was the first, and only, blueprint asset I’ve bought so I haven’t seen any examples of someone using a version system yet. You could do something as simple as adding a variable to your main grid BP that simply contains a version number in it. Just increment it each time you submit an update perhaps?

Also, I completely understand not wanting to use anyone else’s BP. Hell is other people’s code. :slight_smile: Cheers,


Hi , I just had a few questions.

  1. Do you have a list on what you are trying to implement in the future? I was just curious to know what else you were doing with the toolkit. It’s an awesome kit and fun to mess around with. I’m still trying to learn UE4 and this kit is a nice place to start even though I still don’t understand half of it.

  2. This is more of a question for everyone really. I have been trying to figure out a good way to add healing to vehicles in a sci-fi fantasy style game. Imagine if you had a large army of tanks or planes, how could you heal them other then the basic “repair” at a facility or mobile repair unit? I feel like fantasy style healing spells would feel a bit weird to use on mechanical objects. Just thought I would ask around and see if anyone has ever played anything with a good fantasy healing system for mechanical units.

@J.J:Franzen: Using a variable as a version number is probably a good way to do it. I could even place the version variables at all points in the blueprint graphs where the newest changes have been made. That way you can search for the variable and find all the appropriate areas, perhaps with a comment describing the changes.

As to your soulution for touch support I’d still very much like to see what you come up with :slight_smile:

@DukuDragon: For your second question you’re not asking about the game mechanics of healing, but how you are going to justify instant healing in a world without magic, right? If it is sci-fi enough this isn’t much of a problem, following Arthur C. Clarke’s third law of prediction, any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. You could just say it’s a cloud of nano-robots or whatever. And what is wrong with repair facilities and mobile repair units? Is there something about these solution that you feel are limiting from a game mechanical standpoint?

As for your second question I’ve long though about making a list of planned features. I guess now is as good a time as any. Ok, here goes:

Planned Features (Percentage Completed)

  • Have movable and visible tiles in range meshes conform to the underlying landscape (95%)
  • Auto generate walkability and grid maps based on terrain without having to place tile meshes (80%)
  • Add more options for displayng and calculating visibility and pathfinding (sprinting, multi-turn movement (Civ-style), displaying walkability and visibility simultaneously) (50%)
  • Adding the option of spreading demanding operations over multiple ticks, improving performance on weaker hardware (50%)
  • Improved support for using sprites and 2D assets (30%)
  • Touch controls (10%)
  • Increase modularity of blueprints.
  • Add example maps of more specific TBS genres with custom code:
    — 4X strategy (building and exploring)
    — XCOM-like (Cover system ++)
    — D&D-like (Dungeon visibility, complex game mechanics)
  • True height maps with overlapping grids.
  • Multiplayer support.
  • Units larger than one tile.

I think those are the big ones, though I’ve probably forgotten a few.

That’s an awesome looking feature list. Can’t wait to get my grubbies on it. Cheers,


Very nice! I can’t wait to see the new features in action. I’m really looking forward to the terrain features.

As for the above, I don’t mind the repair facilities and mobile repair units at all. I will probably end up going with that style anyways but I was just trying to think of other ways to justify the healing of mechanical units. I do like the nano-robots idea though and it would look pretty cool as a particle effect.