Okay, it is time to unveil a project I’ve been working on for the past few months. The Dungeon Crawler Toolkit is a new asset for the Unreal Engine marketplace. It includes everything you need to make a first-person dungeon crawler in the style of Eye of the Beholder, Dungeon Master and Legend of Grimrock!
The project actually started out as an ATBTT example project. Over the years several developers using ATBTT have asked me if the toolkit is suited for this sort of game, so I wanted to try my hand at it. For some reason I thought it would be quick and simple, but the project just grew and grew.
First, I had movement, but then you needed to have objects to interact with. And then you needed loot, but if you needed loot you needed weapons, and if you had weapons you needed stats and if you had stats you needed classes and if you had classes you needed spells… And so on and so on. It very quickly became clear that this would have to be a standalone asset, and though there are still a couple of things shared with ATBTT (some of the grid-based level generation and pathfinding) it is very much is own thing.
It has a full character creation system, inventory, monsters with AI, powers and spells, custom grid-based movement and more. It is highly data driven, allowing you to add new monsters, items and spells by expanding the appropriate data tables.
In case someone is worrying that this will take my focus away from ATBTT, there is no reason to do so. I am making my own game in ATBTT and I love working on it. I believe that working on a different project in parallel will actually end up benefitting ATBTT greatly. It is easy to get tunnel vision when working on a single project for so long, and returning to ATBTT after working on DCT for a while let me identify many places for improvements that I did not see before. The next ATBTT update might be the most ambitious one yet
Hope there are some of you who are interested in making this sort of game, or just toying around with the blueprints. This project is probably quite a bit more niche than ATBTT, but I’m hoping there is still a market out there. I am putting the final touches on it now and will likely be submitting it to Epic in a couple of weeks. If this peaks your interest, please check out the dedicated forum thread here.
By the way, the Dungeon Crawler Toolkit uses free CC0 models by Quaternius (his Patreon can be found here Quaternius is creating lowpoly game assets | Patreon). I made sure to ask for permission for them as a courtesy, but since it is CC0 anyone is free to use the models for anything, and there is no obligation to credit the creator (though it is still a nice thing to do, of course)