[quote=“, post:3176, topic:21930”]
*The toolkit does not support multiple Grid Managers. However, the single grid manager can handle multiple, separated grids. Essentially you can get the same effect as having multiple grid managers by just having separate walkable areas within the bounds of the grid manager (which extends 1000 tiles in the X and Y axes).
So to add new tile pieces to the grid as you describe, you can add their locations to the grid manager in GridLocations and connect them to other tiles through GridEdges. If you see my answer to BorrowedLadder above, you can see how you can update the entire grid. However, this is overkill if you just want to add a few tiles at a time. For large grids this could also cause lost frames.
What you can do, however, is to add each new tile to the grid manager separately, by doing the same sorts of operations that are done to the entire grid in SetupGridArrays at startup in BP_GridManager. This is not entirely straightforward, though. Mainly because of how the edges between tiles work. Each tile stores what tiles can be moved to from that tile, but not what tiles can move into the tile. This means that you will need to update both the added and the surrounding tiles in the right way. The approach here also varies a bit depending on whether you are using heightmaps, hex grids, multilevel grids etc.
I am currently working on a function that does most of this work for you. I want to make this a general and flexible function that I can include in the next update, so it is taking some time to get it right. I hope I have the time to finish it tomorrow, and if so I can share it with you here. It believe it should be well suited for the sort of use case you are describing.*
Ok, thank you for the detailed response. The implementation of our tiles should be fairly straightforward, there will be 3x3 rectangle tiles that when drawn in game, will connect to each other as the player’s progress. There won’t be varying heights, or multiple levels, they will be straight and corner tiles only, the corners will be mostly using meshes to block one way forcing the players the other way. They connect like this: https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon…AC_SL1500_.jpg
As I am just starting the project and you are currently working on finishing this function, I’m fine waiting on your update.