New update is out for UE5.5 with several fixes. Changelog:
v3.7 (live 25.11.24)
- Attached Global Dispatcher Hub to the Game State so it does not need to be manually placed in a level.
- FIXED: The Heal ability was applying health modification twice
- Removed hard references to WBP_ATBTT, replaced with a HUD interface, making it easier to replace the Layout UI
- FIXED: The last unit in initiative in the SRPG map did not call the EndTurn event, preventing it from triggering events such as poison damage
- FIXED: Pressing the End Turn button would not work beyong the first turn if using the Strategy Turn Manager and not having a Unit selected.
- FIXED: SetupUnitFromPuppet function became corrupted on converting project to 5.5.
- Sorting units in initative on “StartMatch” instead of “Initialize” in Turn Manager to allow for units added after setup but before combat starts