Supersolar - a top-down action game

Wow!! greeeeeat job mate!! congrats!

@Kanc Thanks a lot!

Here is some WIP footage of the ventshaft part of the demo:

The movement feels very organic for a mechanical thing… which is weird and awesome at the same time. I love it. :slight_smile:

Insta-followed! Loving everything about this! :smiley:

@Kanc Hehe, that was a major hurdle - how to make the ship feel like a character, not just a static ship, and make a connection (sort of) with the player.
@cruzncreations Thanks :smiley:

Latest updates: started doing a polish pass on everything for the demo release. Also the game has a page on Steam!

Level select screen:

New VR-style tutorial / flight test range:

State of the level:

Working on the menu backdrop (using the amazing MenuStarterKit from the marketplace):

And new key art (rendered directly in UE):