Supergenius VFW Weather 4.9 stuck on Syncing.


The Supergenius VFX Weatherpack for 4.9 is stuck on syncing. Not sure if its just on my end.

The wiki page: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
says to mention it here on the forum.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi there!

This is due to a few technical issues on our end. They should be fixed by today and you will be able to download your content for 4.9. We do apologize for the inconvenience. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to any of us here or at:



Getting here as well, hopefully it will be fixed by tomorrow

Thank you for jumping on that Smarkoff :slight_smile:

Hey guys!

Just to update this thread. This submission should be good now. Please let me know if you have any other issues or any questions!

