Super (Pac) Man mini game

Hey guys!!

For the sole purpose of having a break in my side project and work, and learn some Unreal engine 4 basis… I made this mini game.

It took me about a week in my spare time after work to script, model, texture and animate everything. But to be honest, most of that time was inside 3D Max because of my limited modeling skills :stuck_out_tongue: I used a couple of textures from the starter pack though (plus the sky)

(if you Like the video in Youtube would be much apreciated)

You can find the mini wip thread here… but here´s are a wip screenshot for your delight :slight_smile:

Hope you enjoy!

If you have any questions/feedback, you are more than welcome to do so!

FYI: The camera has been closed up to the character for the purpose of this video :slight_smile:

I like it. This looks like something that would fit the iOS or android markets well. You’d just have to remove some of the more advanced effects to get a reasonable framerate.

I completely concur with you. This would be great for mobile devices.

Thanks guys! I´m glad you liked it :slight_smile: I appreciate your feedback as well!

I agre with you… I think it might work on mobile devices, but I just wanted to get dirty with Unreal and Blueprint and do something small (from start to finish) and fun to watch so I could make a video out of it.

I also made this to check how the pipeline and find possible issues I would have in real production environment, and I´ve got to say, I´m really liking the new Unreal so far :P.

i really like the game concept haha it would fit on mobile market for sure! idk if its just me but maybe have camera zoomed out a bit more. just seems to close to me

Great Job! I’m working on a similar idea of doing something small with the entire pipeline. Since i have a little bit more experience with making 3D assets and i am not alone, my idea is a little bit bigger in scale and I’m planning on releasing it.

Looks nice! Maybe as the camera is this close you could add a top view minimap to help the player navigate

Awesome!!! good luck and keep us posted!

I placed the camera a lot closer just for the video :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot guys!

Fantastic job AlejoS! I thought I commented on this along time ago but I guess I was mistaken, so sorry about that. This game looks like an awesome alternative to Pac-Man. Keep up the great work!