Super New to Unreal Market Place Need Help Understanding Sellers Guide

What sort of Content and Quality do we expect?

The goal of the Unreal Engine Marketplace is to provide high quality, ready-to-use content suitable for all developers, from students to AAA studios. Because of this, we only publish products that we believe provide significant value to our customers. We don’t have a hard rule on what makes a product have significant value; it differs depending on the style, quality, and quantity of assets that a product provides. For a better understanding of what we are looking for, please take a look at our Permanently Free section of the Marketplace.

ABOUT THIS PARAGRAPH : Here we are directed to permanently free section of marketplace to understand exactly what ?

Does it means that Permanently free section products are the high standard to look up to made as guidence by unreal itself and made available for free so that anyone can access and see what is high quality product
These are the products NOT to develop as they are low quality and cannot be sold for a price.

So confusing NEED HELP.