Super low resolution when packaging my game

My friend and I have decided to make a 2D game in unreal engine (yes we know, very weird!) but we are having trouble when it comes to exporting and packaging our game where the textures go super low resolution when compared to the editor.

Image 1 - Editor

Image 2 -Exported Game

I have done some research and noticed a lot of people have spoken about “Texture Streaming” inside of the project settings, I have packaged the project with this both ON and OFF inside of the project settings and both times it has resulted in the same outcome.

Thank you in advance to anyone who attempts to help! :smiley:


This low quality export only happens when I use the “Shipping” option when exporting the game, when using “Development” or any other it exports it perfectly fine and the quality doesn’t drop.

Did you set the LOD bias in the textures?

If so, they will package without the more detailed LODs.

Hello, Thank you for the reply.

Erm, I dont think so. Checking the tilemap its set to 0 - Which I didn’t do so I’m guessing it is default?


Should it be 0 or something else?

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0 is correct.

Take a look at this, it seems similar

Thank you for the link.

But that still doesn’t seem to work.

I believe - and I might be mistaken because they haven’t stated where they added that code, but they are adding this inside of their texture?

Since we are using tilemaps we don’t have a texture blueprint, We tried adding this to the level blueprint for the level but it didn’t fix it.

If we put this code in the wrong place, any advice on where to place it is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Right okay!

That post you sent was useful after all, but I was able to do it inside of the texture instead of through code.

I watched an older video and at the 42 second mark he shows how to set the filter to “nearest” - just like that code is meant to. Video linked below.

Its not in an obvious place in Unreal Engine 5 compared to 4, to find it is it under texture → advance and it is there (shown below)


Thank you for all your help!

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