$50,000,000 investment fund for UE4 projects - Is it real?

You’re supposed to have a vertical slice (i.e be feature complete) when applying, so realistically you should already be 12-18 months into development - getting an alpha build from there should be an entirely realistic goal. An investor isn’t going to put $300k into a developer if they don’t think they can get that return, so you need something to show, and you need to demonstrate capability to deliver the product in a timely manner - this is all fairly normal when dealing with any investment group. They’re not here to fund your entire project from zero, and aren’t going to even look at it until you have something decent to show - and they likely want to see proper business plans in place, and a business that is already established and operating. That’s just how this works.

That I can understand but the way they had it written was about a prototype, that’s not enough to be remotely feature complete, but realistically i suppose a team should or would approach them at the final phases of production anyway.

That is correct. I have been talking to them and they have taken interest in our project. We need to have a vertical slice ready for them soon. We are 16mo into production of an RPG game. Most of the features have been worked out, we just lack some other things to “clean it up” and get vfx/video production. Thats where they come in.

Nice to know they are legit!! i was concerned that anyone would find us and reach out to us after seeing our game about funding. :slight_smile: Makes me feel like were doing better than i thought. haha… or worse and we funds. lmao.