In 4.21. Platform is Windows 10. New project using Unreal studio beta’s multi user template. Add sun position calculator plugin to project. Restart as requested. Don’t even use anything from the plugin, just enabled. Cook the project. No errors in cooking output log. Launch the binary and nothing.
I can see in task manager the binary’s process momentarily appears then disappears.
I have tried development, shipping, full rebuild, 32 bit, 64 bit.
I have cooked and ran the multi user template without the plugin and can confirm it works in a vanilla state.
So this is the line in the logs that i assume is the issue: LogPluginManager: Error: Unable to load plugin ‘DatasmithImporter’. Aborting.
So there is an issue with the DatasmithImporter? or the Sun Position Calculator conflicts with the DatasmithImporter plugin?link text
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Will do, thanks.
Is there anyway to track the outcome of the request? Or will I be notified if/when it turns up in ?
Attempted to reproduce on another machine but that EXE worked. I expect there is a dependency that my system needs that is not flagged by the build process or the EXE on launch.
I have win 10 SDK installed. Attempted to install the 8.1 SDK but it said my system is up to date.
Windows 10 anti virus was the culprit. I had checked win10 AV was off and then uninstalled my third party AV early on in troubleshooting. When you uninstall a third party AV, windows 10 automatically turns the built in AV on. So even after I checked win 10 AV was off, uninstalled my third party AV and restarted, still had the issue because windows 10 restarted their AV! Windows 10 automatically appears to turns their AV on after normal restarts too. So until I figure out a way to get win10 to respect this setting across restarts or figure out how to mark the built exe as ‘safe’, every morning when I start work I have to go in and disable the win10 AV.
I still find it odd that the vanilla project was allowed to run, but including the plugin caused win10 AV to flag the new executable that had the same details as the old executable.