[summon dragon] Unreal Challenge: Spellar Performance

Participate in Unreal Challenge: Spellar Performance.
The title is Summon Dragon
Movie link

Student Submission: No

Credits to sourced content:

  • Paragon: Gideon

insert a screenshot of your project (in the editor)
-editor version


  • Description
    I made a VFX that can be used in an online game.
    A scene from MORPG’s character selection,
    A scene that shows a high level of skill to meet the expectations of users,
    The magician summons light and passes it through the magic circle, creating a dragon that swallows flames.
    The character used Paragon’s Gideon character.
    Because the main character is VFX,
    I chose a practice level to focus on VFX rather than flashy backgrounds.
    All VFX were created by myself.

  • Engine version : Unreal 5.1

블록 따옴표


엄청 멋집니다!!! :+1:

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thanks for the comment

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Greetings @cjinsung !

Wow! What an entrance! The way the light billows around the character as he lands tells us that he is a powerful mage and he means business. The power and might displayed here shows the ultimate finishing move! I wouldn’t want to be the player on the receiving end of that! LOL!

It’s very remarkable that you created your own VFX for this project! Who needs a flashy background when you have the strength and force of light, fire, and dragons at your fingertips?! I can tell that you enjoy PvP battles and RPGs/MORPGs. Which are your favorites?

Thank you for your participation and good luck!

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looks fantastic, so clean :o

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잘봤습니다. 멋지내요.

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Wow Great~!!

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I saw a great effect.

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Another M@sterpiece of Rinban!!
can’t wait to see his next work

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I love the Dargons movement and camera moves. Also like the colors he used on the dragons

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I like the moment dragon hits the ground. it could be a good example for any kind of hit effects.

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Thank you for recognizing what I meant and for complimenting me.

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Praise for being clean! thank you!

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wow!!, thanks!!

Wow!!! I saw a great reply

Looking forward to the next work!!

I like compliments like this.

I am happy to read this comment

AAA quality effects! Fantastic! :wink:
one vote