Suggestion: Switchable Editor Layouts and Dockable Editor Windows

I recently replaced a pair of dying monitors with a single large 4k screen, the extra screen real estate alone is great but there are a few things I think could improve the experience. (I appreciate these requests may be a little niche at the moment, but with falling prices driving adoption of 4k and ultrawide monitors perhaps it will become more relevant over the next year or two).

Switchable Editor Layouts

Rather than just be able to save the default layout so you can reset back to it if needed, I would really like the ability to set up multiple layouts and then switch between them depending on the task I’m doing. The majority of my time I spend using the default layout, but when I’m trying to track down a bug in blueprint/behavior tree I’ll only want to see the game, output log and the graph of whatever I’m debugging. Doing this on multiple screens is simple, you just drag the windows you want to another monitor. But with a single high resolution screen this gets tricky since most OS’s don’t have tiling window managers that let you easily partition your screen in to smaller sections. Hopefully since the editor already supports saving the default layout, this wouldn’t be too difficult to implement.

Allow editor windows/tabs to dock inside the editor

As already mentioned, I often find myself wanting to view a blueprint graph while playing the game and this isn’t easy on a single screen. One feature that would resolve this would be the ability to dock editor windows/tabs in to the main editor. Here’s a mock up of what I mean:

Other editor windows would be placeable as tabs in the area in the same way you can currently drop tabs to the top section of the main editor window. Also, rather than expanding the other screen widgets to fill when you close the blueprint you’re working on, perhaps it could leave an empty panel (which can be closed like the tool palette/content browser by right clicking on it’s tab) so you don’t get gotcha’ed by closing the final tab and having the editor expand to fill the screen.

Hi MrBushido,

We have a Feature Request in our system for saving multiple layouts (UE-875)

As for docking sub-editors next to the viewport, I have entered a feature request for you (UE-10895).

Thanks for sending this in! It is a great request for users with 4K or Ultrawide monitors!!

  • :slight_smile:

Thanks !