[SUGGESTION] Show DO messages, not only UNDO/REDO?

Would be good if i would see which undoable actions i am doing: “Do: Move Actors” (not implemented),
then i press Ctrl+Z and see: “Undo: Move Actors” (already implemented),
then i press Ctrl+Y and see: “Redo: Move Actors (already implemented)”.

This will make it easier to track own “undoable” actions, and visualize which action was Done last and will Undo first.

Because sometimes i press something, something is changed, but i dont know exactly what i did, or i can even miss something that i did.

And editor config option: “Show Do Messages”.

Hi newbprofi,

I’m not sure if I understand 100% what you mean. If you go to the Editor’s “Window” main menu, there is an option for showing the Undo History, which will contain a list of all the undo/redo steps you can perform. Is that what you’re looking for?

Didnt touch yet Undo history, but probably yes, thats what i need. By the way, first go i found very big issue with Undo history GUI: there is no Auto bottom scrolling when List is full, even if Scroller is at bottom.

PS: But originally my suggestion was to “Show timed GUI message at bottom-right corner of editor when you do something, like GUI message when you Undo something”, but ofc that message was supposed to be switchable/optional via editor preferences. But ofc Undo history is better, but with Scrolling issue i still cant always see last Action without manual scrolling.


I do not know if what I did was this, but I think it would be interesting:
Show the popup notification (popup that appears when the shaders are compiling, or any build is being done) to show when the user performs an Undo or Redo Command.

/\ That already happens by default on editor. Not for you?!