(suggestion-request) StaticMesh conform to terrain

It would be extremely helpful if a single StaticMesh could conform to the terrains surface. ie 2x2 meter static mesh comprising of multiple stones, sticks etc can conform to the terrains undulation, instead of parts of it floating as it would now. *different to the foliage tool, in that this is a single mesh.

The pic attached shows how it floats currently.

Hi Chimp,

Have you ensured that you have “Align to Normal” checked on your foliage? I haven’t been able to reproduce this effect on my end.

Since we’ve not heard from you in the last few we are going to mark this as resolved for our tracking purposes.

Thanks, but it’s not what I mean.
I mean like in this video at 1:49 the rocks mesh is organically conforming to the terrain

Is what you want a sort of wrap deformer ? Something that could deform the volume of a mesh to fit the landscape geometry ?

This is somewhat like the original request. This user had originally posted on the forums as well as here. It was discussed more on the forums with what they wanted.

In the Snow Drop engine it appears when they are dragging their foliage around any of the ones selected will auto-update it’s position to conform to the terrain. While UE4 does off the option for the meshes to conform to the terrain based on the parameters specified it will not auto-update as it does with their engine.

Similar to the wrap deformer you mentioned in Maya. It conforms to the underlying mesh but it doesn’t auto update.

Hi ,
How do you set up a static mesh in ue4 to conforms to the terrain based on parameters?