I wanted to suggest having an option to split sale royalties for store packs / items based on an allocated percentage assigned by the listing seller.
Where by you can list all the contributors of a item / pack for sale, with a percentage split, as an option.
For example, here would show the list of contributors with an allocated percentage which would be from the total sale.
Quick example with some random values:
Example A
Creator A: 30%
Creator B: 10%
Creator C: 25%
Creator D: 25%
Creator E: 10%
The sale royalty would be split based on the percentage of each creator allocation.
Example B
Creator A: 100%
Creator A in this case is the only seller listed on the pack/item and would receive the full sale royalty
Steam workshop example
This would give FAB sellers a possibility to work as teams and reward creators in another way that would promote long term incentives for contributors of packs.