Suggestion: 'GetAccoladeCount' Function and Custom XP UI for Accolade Device

I’d like to suggest adding a ‘GetAccoladeCount’ function in Verse for the accolade device. This would allow creators to track how much XP a player has received, which can be valuable for various gameplay mechanics.

Additionally, introducing a custom widget option for the XP UI would be a fantastic improvement. The current XP display often doesn’t fit well with custom UEFN maps, and having the ability to design our own XP UI would allow for a more cohesive and polished player experience.

I believe these features would greatly enhance the creative potential and overall player engagement in custom UEFN maps!


Like the tracker viewmodel like you can get

  • Target Value
  • Name
  • Description, etc.

Similarly a accolade viewmodel so you can get

  • Title
  • Description
  • XP Count, etc.

@supreeeeemeeeee Thank you for your feedback. While I cannot guarantee a response, I can confirm that this has been forwarded to the appropriate team.