SUGGESTION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE SOFTWARE Capacity of editing properties fo multiple Images / Videos

As I see this is not possible, you have to manupulate images individually, and that can be a long annoying process, Am I right?

I was delighted when I saw "View sets" appear in a new version. I hoped it solved the problem above: I set up environment, layer visibility, etc. for a view set, then I can drag and drop on images or videos I want to modify by the setting of that view set. But it isn't like that. It memorises only the layer visibility, and you can't apply this for multiple images.

I would suggest, to create hierarchically the view sets: Sets and subsets: Subsets get the properties of the parental set. The change of the parental set changes properties of all subsets. This would enable a good management for the complex variations (for example: night images > layer visibility 1 / layer visibility 2 ...) In this way I could determine efficiently which properties a certain view set manipulates.

For example I want to change bachground image or location on 45 images:

so I create a view set, which manipulates only these properties and I drag and drop this to all Images.

In this case view sets are Actions that work only, as they are applied to Images / Videos

An other solution would be, when properties of Images would have been stored in the vew sets, and changing a set automatically would be applied on the images that use that certain view set. Hierarchic view set structure could work as above. Or I could select more sets and change properties togeher. In this way images would store only the location and direction of the viewpoint, and all other propertis would be stored in view sets.

For now I think this 2nd solution is better.

Best wishes,

Gergő Jankovics


Hi ,

The development team is currently looking into an option to Copy and Paste your settings between media, which I believe may solve the problems you mentioned. You can review the idea on our public roadmap here and add any additional feedback, such as the suggestion you mentioned here. This will go straight to the development team for further consideration.



Hi Raghib

I am glad to read your answer.

Now that you forward my suggestion to developers, I just summarise it and make it clearer what I actually think:

1 The model itself stores

geometry & materials

this is the physical content

2 The images could store

view position, direction & camera settings (angle, parallelism, etc.)

as if a real photocamera had been placed somewhere

3 The view sets could store

layer visibility, daytime, wheather, etc.

this memorises the circumstances of an actual moment when I make a shot with the preset camera

It's a question where the background (or HDRI) should be stored, maybe in 3 (view sets)

The Copy and Paste of properties you mentioned in this case should be possible to 3 (view sets)

The Copy and Paste would be most useful, if one could decide, which properties he wants to manipulate: Layer visibility only, Daytime only. etc. Mostly only a part of properties is desired to be applied to an other set.

Best wishes!
