[SUGGESTION] [Blueprint Scripting] Can we have Bookmarks in nodes on BP Editor? :)

Can we have Bookmarks in nodes on Blueprint Editor? :slight_smile:
Please :smiley:

Just like Visual has, where you can navigate bookmarks using arrows <= => :smiley:


Thank you for your request. I have entered a feature request, UE-10052 to be considered by the development staff.

[= ;224473]

Thank you for your request. I have entered a feature request, UE-10052 to be considered by the development staff.

Wow thank you! Is there a way to check the status of this request?

No, currently bug tracker is private, there was some discussion in past to make it public one way or another

better suggestion - see all bookmarks from different blueprints too. now (4.20) it’s shows only current BP. it isn’t useful for me (I didn’t have hundreds function), cause just duplicating interface.