Suggest projectile velocity returns strange results

Hi everyone!
I have an issue with suggestProjectileVelocity node. I have a target, and I put it’s world location to target location in this node. Initial speed is 10000 (this is 100 meters/sec, am I right?) Gravity scale is 0.5 both in this node and in projectile parameters. But result is quite strange, see screenshot:

White sphere is my target, but projectile flies under it. Why? Thanks.

Nice feedback guys

What’s the distance to target?
Why are you using “suggestProjectileVelocity” vs calculating it yourself?

SuggestProjectileVelocity only calcs the velocity needed to get to target. It doesn’t calculate a trajectory. You have to manually adjust rotation to hit the transform location.

verbatim … Calculates an launch velocity for a projectile to hit a specified point.

Thanks. But how to calculate everything manually? Ballistic formulas doesn’t work there, we don’t know g (which is 9.8 in real life)

fwiw, that’s incorrect, SuggestProjectileVelocity and SuggestProjectileVelocityCustomArc both give you a vector, which is a direction and a velocity. SuggestProjectileVelocity does seem to be utterly broken except within very narrow parameters, but the CustomArc version seems to work well. (though it has no support for tracing the path, like SuggestProjectileVelocity does)

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SuggestProjectileVelocity is still broken :frowning:

wow, ok, so, I guess I never came back to say that it’s not broken, I was using it wrong.

We might need a little more detail to help you figure out why it’s not working?

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As I noticed it gives the right direction vector but it doesn’t change the velocity itself.

If I remember correctly, you give it a starting speed and a gravity, and it gives you a velocity that will hit the target, given those two datapoints.

Yes, you are right. My mistake was that I expected the function suggests initial speed. The SuggestProjectileVelocityCustomArc works as needed for my case

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