Sudden errors with #include and .h files (error c1083)

Project has been working fine for months now. But yesterday I went to compile and started getting this C1083 error on random Engine classes which are definitely there. Strange thing is, there is no error before compiling and it seems to find the #include just fine. Output fails and gives same error fyi. Really need some direction on this cause I don’t even know where to start. I tried messing around with the paths and such in VS settings but nothing has worked.

edit: Also should mention this only happens when i try to build on DevelopmentServer. Development Editor compiles fine.

edit2: Since posting this I have also deleted intermediate of the engine and rebuilt the entire engine in Dev editor and server, and I’m STILL getting this error.

Try to delete your Intermediates or regenerate the project files. (right click uproject)

ive already tried the regenerate proj files. How do i delete intermediates, delete entire folder or??

I deleted intermediate and regenerated project files and its still throws that error on NavArea…

Yeah, just delete the folder and regenerate the project solution.

Please show output tab, don’t relay on Errors tab as it misleading

I had a similar issue one, I solved it by regenerating the game project (in your example it would be THEGAME)

I just want to say. I did regenerate I mentioned in earlier reply. And I happen to have the error tab open but I can assure you the same exact error is thrown in the output tab. I had error open by accident when i took the screencap.

I ended up removing the class that was calling NavArea and the project is functional again. but i dont know if i would consider that a fix

if regenerating doesn’t work, it means unreal pre-header tool is failing to process your .h file, there must be an error somewhere, sometimes it’s a bit tricky to find, as pre header tool can fail without saying anything in the output which seems to be the case for you. Check closely your last modifications. For myself it is often related to delegate declaration or incorrect property metadata