Subway Environment

Hi folks ! Finally, i post something !

I read this board fors monthes now, and i’ve decided to post my very first environment. I have done severals assets before and for me, building a complete scene from scratch seemed impossible. :stuck_out_tongue:

Here i come to share with you my first real time environment ! Anyway this engine is awesome, and the community too :smiley: Usefull threads everywhere, answerhub <3 <3

Well, i assume this scene is finished, because i hardly want to jump onto another scene, and finish my portfolio for january =)

Feedbacks are always welcome =)

Subway Environment - Unreal Engine 4 - YouTube

Looks awesome dude ! Well done :slight_smile:

Incredible work. Like it very much :slight_smile:

Thanks you guys for you kind words ! :slight_smile:

Looks pretty good Charly, I love the lighting. =)

Great scene ! :smiley:

How about adding a horror / scary / something that add some mood music track ?

Nice work! Thumbs up for the horror music

Reminds me the L4D2 Subway Chapter :smiley:

love it!!! looks amazing just curious how you set the lighting up, did you visualize the scene or draw the scene out first? any tips? excellent work.

Hey thanks you guys =)

SE_JonF : A friend of me helped me building the light by sharing me his lighting knowledge =)

Stevelois : Well, this is a good idea, for sure, maybe when i’ll build my showreel :slight_smile: Thanks, i’ll keep that in mind !

Gbr : haha, love L4D2 too :slight_smile:

Mrnerdisg0D : Actually, i’m not a drawer. At All. Usually, a strong image pop in my head and i tell me “ok, i know exactly how i want it to be”. So i begin by blockout the scene in a layout. Then i set up some basic lighting. And here we go =)