I read this board fors monthes now, and i’ve decided to post my very first environment. I have done severals assets before and for me, building a complete scene from scratch seemed impossible.
Here i come to share with you my first real time environment ! Anyway this engine is awesome, and the community too Usefull threads everywhere, answerhub <3 <3
Well, i assume this scene is finished, because i hardly want to jump onto another scene, and finish my portfolio for january =)
SE_JonF : A friend of me helped me building the light by sharing me his lighting knowledge =)
Stevelois : Well, this is a good idea, for sure, maybe when i’ll build my showreel Thanks, i’ll keep that in mind !
Gbr : haha, love L4D2 too
Mrnerdisg0D : Actually, i’m not a drawer. At All. Usually, a strong image pop in my head and i tell me “ok, i know exactly how i want it to be”. So i begin by blockout the scene in a layout. Then i set up some basic lighting. And here we go =)