Subversion SVN - No assets to check in Error

Hello all,

I am getting “no assets to check in” error while trying to “submit to source control”.

What I did so far is:

1- Installed VisualSVN and TortoiseSVN
2- Created repo from VisualSVN.
3- “Right Click” → “SVN Checkout” → “D:\ProjectFolder”
4- Entered to “D:\ProjectFolder” → “Right Click” → “Add Files” → “Commit”
5- Connected to SVN via Unreal Engine 4 Editor.
6- “Right Click” → "D:\ProjectFolder\Content\Map.umap-> “Check-out” → (modified map)
7- Pressed “submit source control” but I am getting “no assets to check in” error.

What is wrong with my steps ?
Also Perforce is crashing the editor too but I won’t hesitate with it right now.
