I’m following the instructions of Level Creation Tutorial Part 3 (https://www…com/watch?v=6etfz1dwiYc&list=PLZlv_N0_O1gak1_FoAJVrEGiLIploeF3F). (Using 4.6.1, Win 8.1)
When i copy the wall (BSP Box) and change Brush Type to “Subtractive”, the copied box isn’t be excluded from the (additive) wall.
As soon as i create a (new) BSP Box from the scratch, resize it and switch Brush Type to Subtrative, everything works as expected.
Was the box that you changed to subtractive placed first or second? BSPs work off of an order of operations, so if a subtractive brush is placed into the level first then an additive brush placed in the same location, it will register the additive brush in the subtractive brushes location. The opposite is equally true. So if you created a brush, then created a second brush and changed the first to subtractive, it will still register the additive brush because the second brush overlays the first.
thanks for the hint. I tried your solution substracting the copied version (2nd) from the original one and vice versa.Only substracting 2nd from 1st works. Don’t know how i accomplished to move the original version (first) awayof the copied one (second) using the ALT-key and moving the actor. (I followed exactly the steps demonstrated in the video tutorial)