I have a code snippet for a material that I’m not sure if I can post here. It’s for an undisclosed project. However, what I can say is that I’m running into a problem making a landscape material with the substrate system. I attempted to make a few blends and use static parameter switches to connect to the landscape layer blend node and go from there. When I apply the material and go to landscape mode it crashes. Are we currently able to do landscape layers with the Substrate system?
It’s currently not possible to add some of the building block nodes to the landscape layer blend node (I don’t have a complete list) but it seems that I’m missing something. Help?
UPDATE: I successfully got a 3 layer material to render without crashing the client. However, it doesn’t register the layers themselves. Only the final Substrate slab that is connected to the output material pin. Is this intended to make us use the coverage node and add in a few different slabs (with the add node) to get one main texture as opposed to layers? I’m trying to learn but this is confusing. Thanks for any help you can offer.