Substrate - Feedback Thread

seems like stationary lights are broken in 5.5 due to substrate?
enabling substrate makes movable objects not be able to be lit by a stationary light, although disabling shadow stencil culling via a command fixed this issue (with obvious artifacts though)

Thanks everyone for your help last year, and happy new year!

@Armines53 Substrate should package with a project yes.
@stamisme Thanks for reporting: I will add a task to check on that.

Will subsrate become a standard when it reaches the full version? Will it replace normal materials or will it remain an option forever?

@Armines53 Hello, It will become a standard once proven in production, shipped and optimised. First enabled by default on new projects. Then the legacy material system will be removed. I do not have any timeline to disclose about that as of today.

any update on the bug? (and also any way to fix it by compiling the engine?)

The bug is fixed for 5.6. Available from main branch using
It requires recompilation of the engine.

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THANKS!!!, also i know this question isnt really related to substrate, but is there any way to distribute this fix after compiling the engine to teammembers? or do i have to send them the entire custom copy of the engine?

using this on a project that was made on 5.5 for some reason resets ALL of the parameter values on instances?

emissive param for example on all instances is just red now
specifically the issue seems to be: ALL vector parameters get set to smth like 1,0,0
and material branches seem to be broken? as in some times a material instance will act like it has a certain branch on when its not supposed to be on

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They have to apply the fix locally or receive the compiled engine.

Red parameters: This is another bug we have noticed (that is not related to substrate as far as I could tell, it is under investigation).

This is now fixed as of in ue5main.
The bug is not in 5.5 then so I guess you compiled ue5main. If you take ue5main, be aware that this is our dev branch with in progress development. Use at your own risk.

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we got it working in the 5.5 branch
although theres some weird shadow delay, is that intentional? (as in a large object with shadows on it takes more than a few seconds to update)

seems like theres another bug with something related to the bound scale of objects, if a objects size is small it works fine, but a object thats large or has a large bounding box scale seems to break down?
update: weird, looks like the shadow thats being casted ONTO the cube is moving with the cube??


Hello. I am using substrate for a while and really love it. But now there is a problem with semi-opaque material, like curtain. In the Legacy material system that was easy. All you need to do is just plug the simple float into opacity slot and that is. For now it seems like substrate cant give the same result, or I am missing smthng. Here is the result i want and get.

i’m not using substrate, so… i dunno. but… have you tried turning it around or flipping the normals. i mean… most of the light on the curtain comes from the outside of the windows transmitting thru it. that’s the shader optical logic.

Normals are correct, even the two sided box in material options is checked. As I say this is jucst about substrate, I easily recreated this effect earlier with legacy material system.

What shading model were you using in legacy and what did you choose in substrate?

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Legacy - Opaque+Translucency
Substrate - Colored Transmitance

any update on this?