Substrate - Feedback Thread

Yes it is a limitation as @glitchered said.
Same limitation as with distortion/refraction. Without ray/path tracing, it would be expensive to handle N layers. And not sure it would be worth it because one can always encounter N+1 layers at some point.

On another note, that project setting does nothing on translucent meshes. this is for the blurring of slab as the bottom of a material to be blurred by the one at the top of the material on OPAQUE object. Translucent rough refraction is always enabled with Substrate, as long as r.Refraction.Blur=1.

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In that case, how does lumen interact with Substrate refraction?
I noticed this CL a few months ago, and I was under the impression that this could interact with substrate to faciliate multiple layers of refraction, as it says ‘max refraction bounces’ which would imply to me that multiple refraction events would be theoretically allowed?

Yes this is not plugged in with Substrate. (And it requires hardware ray tracing to be able to use it)

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So teoretically it is possible with HWRT, albeit expensive.
Id say that this could be pretty great for virtual production projects where glass materials are still a problem to achieve Ok-ish quality.

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Is it possible to blend/mix a Substrate unlit and a Substrate Slab together?
(Crashing when trying to connect the mix into the Front Material)

Mixing different type of BSDF is not allowed for now. You will have to mix slab with slab, a slab can be unit if setup with some emissive color, coverage=1 and transmittance=throughput for instance.
However it should not crash so I have added an item about that for us to look at and fix.

I see…thanks!

However…after cloning my project and activating substrate in the Project Settings, this is what I get (before and after updating to latest nvidia studio driver)
Wire shows what is in the scene, the other is what I see in lit.

I’m finding that SceneTexture:WorldNormal crashes the editor if I try to sample it through Convert To Decal.

Any thoughts?

Loving Substrate at the moment, keep up the good work!


Might not be this but check that Ray Trace Translucency is off and set to Raster

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Thanks for reporting! I have been able to reproduce and the fix will go in 5.4.


Are there any new details or information about creating custom slabs, to recreate some custom shader model things (like custom lighting, toon shading, etc) in an easier way now? If not, this is planned, or any pointers as to where to start poking around the code?

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Hi @DMeville ,
There is no information about custom slabs or adding new shading model as of todays since this might change still.
Custom shading extension per project is something we want to have since the beginning but that is planned for the future only (not short- nor mid- term).

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does anyone know why reflection captures arent built properly with substrate enabled? (as in, they’re completely black) weirdly enough i managed to figure out a fix for this by just simply adding a skylight to the map (map is completely interior-only, no outside) and making it static and setting the intensity to 0 which fixed the issue, im currently using 5.3

Thanks! That’s unfortunate, but understandable. I’m sure this is a thing that a lot of users would love going forward. Even if things might change, I guess I’ll have to poke through the code myself and see what I can do then.

If anyone else in this thread has done this, would love to chat with you, as I’d love any tips about how this might be achieved instead of starting from no info :slight_smile:

@stamisme Thanks! I have been able to reproduce and fix it for 5.4.

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Is it intended that tangent input doesnt seem to have any effect in Substrate Hair BSDF when applied to strands? Not sure if it even works with standard hair material without substrate enabled.

Yes, this is expected, and it should be the same without Substrate. In the context of hair shading, the normal is (re)interpreted as the tangent direction. The tangent input is only consided in the context of anisotropy shading.

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I have two questions about the quality of blurring, when using translucent materials, IOR (value of 1) and rougness - (value of 1).

Here I have a simple testing scene with just boxes and a transluescent plane infront of them
You can notice that the box in red is starting to have sharp edges at a distance, but is blurred correctly when we get close.

My question is if this is yet to improve or if it would be possible to give us a cvar to control the “quality” at whitch the blurring breaks so we can experiment even at the cost of performace?

And pretty much the same question goes for the resolution of the scene blurring when close. There is a noticable grid, it is even more noticable in VR:

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When I’m enabling substrate in my project the Light Complexity viewmode is completely black. Is this not supported yet or do I need to enable something more to make it work as expected?

thanks for the feedback. Yes, this is a first shot and it might be improved when we come back to it with different quality level. However, please be aware that rough refraction as a post-process without tracing rays will always be an approximation.