Substractive brush creates surfaces


i have a little problem.

I try to cut a cylinder with a substractive box brush. When i hit build geometry, some surfaces appear at the edges of the substractive brush.

Does somebody have any idea? Rebulding and trying in new generated map doesnt work too

Hi LoveSofa,

I’m looking into this issue and have been getting different results. I am currently testing in 4.7.3 with two BSPs, one box, one cylinder. The box is subtractive and the cylinder is additive, the section cuts out, but I am not getting a square like that.

Could you tell me the exact dimensions of the objects and the number of sides the cylinder has? Which version of UE4 are you using? Also, does this only happen with those two shapes or do other brushes do this as well? Any additional information may help in the investigation.



i tried to reproduce the case with different settings. I found out , that this problem occurs when the brushes get very big. When i use the same case with smaller brushes this problem does not occur.
I dont know the exact dimension anymore but i can tell you that it always occured when the cylinder brush was bigger than 20.0 on y axis. It also occurs when i try to cut the cylinder with many small subtractive box brushes. But the problem still occured. So i think ts has something to do with the additive cylinder brush.
Using the actual version of unreal tournament editor.

I just tried the case after the new update. I found out how to reproduce it. I build the brushes like in the pictures above. Then i marked both brushes and hit create static mash. Then this problem occurs (only with big brushes). From this point, the program seems to be buggy too when i just hit build geometry. When i hit build geometry before i create the static mesh the probem does not occur

Hi LoveSofa,

Thank you for your report, I was able to reproduce this and have entered a bug report, UE-946 to be assessed by the development staff.