It takes just a diffuse map, a simple texture, and it turns it into a fully fledged material, computing the normal, ambient occlusion (baking it into the texture), the metal and the roughness, All from the basic Diffuse Map, basically it’s a very fast and lightweight Bitmap2Material, without all the fancy and CPU-eating stuff of B2M.
It allows you to add up to 2 decals on top of your material, and those are taken into account in computing normal, occlusion, metal and roughness as well.
Each decal can individually be set as tiled or scaled, rotated and offset where you see fit on the final output.
Each decal can be individually enabled as an emissive channel, adding a very nice and powerful twist to it.
All the above can also be tuned at run-time, allowing you to create hundreds of combinations and different effects.
Well, if you gather that my asset is like that wrapper I guess I made a lousy job at making the video demo, so I apologize.
Here are the differences:
**What GameTextures wrapper does? **It requires you to assign all the maps and it puts them all together, nothing more than that. Basically you need an Albedo map, a Normal map, a Metallic map and so on. You feed the maps to it and the wrapper gives you the PBS output substance. Actually you can do that straight in UE4 material editor… no need to go through that wrapper unless one doesn’t know how to use UE4 Material Editor.
What our asset does? It takes just a diffuse map, a simple texture, and it turns it into a fully fledged material, computing the normal, the occlusion, the metal and the roughness. All from the basic Diffuse Map (see the video): basically it’s a very fast and lightweight Bitmap2Material, without all the fancy and CPU-eating stuff of B2M. In addition to that, it allows you to add up to two decals on top of your material, and those are taken into account in computing normal, occlusion, metal and roughness as well. Each decal can individually be set as tiled or scaled, rotated and offset where you see fit on the final output. Moreover, each decal can be individually enabled as an emissive channel, adding a very nice and powerful twist to it. All that can also be tuned at runtime, allowing you to create hundreds of combinations and different effects.